Goodbye, Valentino

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Anthony was crouched down in an alleyway crying. Where was he? The last thing he knew was that he took drugs in hopes of escaping reality either for a little while or forever, but this was not the expected outcome. There was fire nearly everywhere and people were shooting each other with no hesitation or remorse.

If that wasn't a shock, then his body surely was. He thought he must still be high when he woke up to find that he had 4 arms and that his body was covered in fur. Not to mention the pink coloring in the shape of a heart around his chest which was so fluffy it almost made it look like he had boobs.

It was all so overwhelming, and when a tall figure loomed over his sobbing form he cowered, "W-who are you?"

The man crouched down to look him in the eye. The man's eyes were scorching red, "My name is Valentino. What's your name?"




"You're in hell now. Your name can be whatever you want it to be. Don't pick it too hastily."

"I'm... dead?" Anthony was not sure whether to be relieved that he escaped his old life or fearful of what this new one had in store.

"How do I pick a name?"

"Well how did you die?"

Anthony looked away, slightly ashamed as he answered, "I overdosed on angel dust."

"Well, Angel. I think we have a name picked out for you," Valentino smiled, and Angel Dust smiled back. This was the only man in this place who had bothered to talk to him. Though his smile faltered slightly at how predatory Valentino's grin looked.

"I'll tell ya what, why don't we go out to dinner so I can fill you in on how things work around here," Valentino suggested.

Angel Dust nodded his head, and took the hand that Valentino offered. They walked for a while in comfortable silence, Angel Dust found it a bit strange that they were still holding hands, but he wasn't going to question the physical comfort. His jaw dropped when they walked into a restaurant at just how fancy it was.

"Oh... We didn't have to go somewhere this fancy, Valentino..."

"I insist, amorcito."

Angel Dust blushed at the nickname, "Thanks, Valent-"

"Call me Val."

"Thank you, Val," Angel Dust smiled.

The scene shifted.

He was in his dressing room, "Val?"

"Amorcito, don't you love me?"

"Of course, Val," Angel Dust reassured, smiling comfortingly, but the smile was strained.

"W-why do you ask, Val?"

"Then why won't you sign the contract?"

"I... It's my soul, Val. I want us to be... Equals...".

Valentino slapped him. He had never done that before, "Val- what-"

"You and I will never be equals. Either you sign this contract to show you understand or you can get the fuck out of my sight," Valentino threw the contract at Angel Dust, tossing him what looked like a pen shortly after.

With tears in his eyes, he signed the contract. He never saw the malicious smile on Valentino's face as months of manipulation paid off.


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