Im a hawk not a duck

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Charlottes pov
"Banks, ivory " coach called me and Adam and we skated to him and stopped next to the other coach Adams dad walked down "Yeah?" I ask "I'm afraid you're playing for the wrong district" "what?" "You're both supposed to be in district 5"
"My son and niece are not ducks" "yea,I'm not playing for that team" I say "is this your doing Gordon?" Coach asked
two years ago
"Charlie over here!" Charlie passed the puck to me and the boys and Connie try to stop me but I made it in and as soon as I did they all ran up and hugged and tackled me *a few minutes later*
"Sleepover at my house?"charlie asks "yeah!" "Mom can they?" He asks
"Only if it's ok with thier parents" I skate over to my dad "dad can I go sleepover at Charlie's house the whole team's going" "what? Oh ok sure I don't really give a shit I was planning on going to the bar anyway,and remember this is your last practice with this team your first hawks practice is on Monday" he says "oh. be safe" "yeah,yeah leave me alone!" I stake away from him and just start staking around the ice until Charlie stakes toward me "hey Lola you sleeping over?" He asks "yeah um is it ok if your mom drives me to your house?" "Yeah I'm sure that's fine" we both stake over to Charlie's mom "mom can we take Lola to our house?" "Of course!" She smiles at me *in the car* "what movie do you wanna watch?" "How bout outsiders?" "Mom can we?" "Can you do what?" "Watch outsiders?"
"Sure I guess that's alright" his mom said "alright we're here"
*after everyone got to Charlie's house" "alright before we watch the game how bout we play a game of truth and dare?" I ask I "sure I don't mind" guy says   "Sure" and "yea" from the team "alright I'll go first terry truth or dare?" Connie says "dare" "I dare you to lay in the snow for 5 minutes without moving" "ok" and he does just that and we play a few rounds of truth and dare until It was my turn "Lola truth or dare?" "Umm truth" "tell us a secret you've never told us before" breath your fine your gonna have to tell them eventually "um I-I'm joining the hawks" everyone starts laughing "yea yeah funny joke Lottie"Jessie says "n-no I'm dead serious,today was my last practice with you guys" "what. That's impossible you can't just change districts" "yea,that's what I thought at first too but my dad made a deal with the pee wee hockey league to let my play by the way this is his words not mine a better team because I'm to good for that district 5 team and my cousins on the Hawks" "so you're dad is making you join the hawks because your cousin is on the hawks?"
yea kinda" "oh."  "Kinda?" Charlie asks "what do you mean by kinda?" "I-I don't know" "are you still gonna hang out with us?" Connie asks "maybe,I'll try" "maybe?" Connie says now looking like she about to cry guy looks at her a hugs her and he glares at me and a tear runs down Connies cheek and Charlie looks at me with tears in his eyes and everyone looking at me with a upset or  sad expression on their face Connie and guy pull away from their hug and Connie looks at me "Lottie promise me that we'll always be best friends no matter what" I promise" I said  Connie hugs me I hug back tightly "I'll miss you Guys" and I try to change the subject "alright let's watch the outsiders"
~end of flashback~
"Are you their father?" The man asks "yes and no Adam's my son and Charlotte is my niece but I'm her primary care taker" "but if my son and niece are gonna have to play for that team then I don't think I'll have them play at all" Adam's face dropped I looked at him *in the car*
"Dad we just wanna play hockey" "ok I know you just wanna play hockey but what about charlotte?what do you think Charlotte?" "Ok Adam I understand where you coming from but I'm not gonna play if I'm playing with that duck team,I'll only play if I'm playing as a hawk" "what? that doesn't make any sense didn't you used to be on that team?" "That's the point they all hate me especially Charlie and I guarantee you that they don't won't either one of us on their team" " I have a solution for that I'm making a deal with the head of districts to keep you guys on the hawks" "really?" "Yep" "thank you so much" "of course" Adam looked at me still confused at what I said *later at night in her room hanging out with adam* "hey Lottie what happened between you and Charlie?" Adam asked my smiled dropped "what do you mean?" "I mean you said Charlie especially hates you" "he does" "why though what did you do?" "I joined the hawks"  "that can't be the whole reason there's has to be more than just you joining the hawks" "it is" "no it's not I know it's not all" I stayed silent "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to I'm not gonna make you tell me" I was still silent but then I decided to tell him "after I told the team that I was joining the hawks they made me promise to still hang out with them and so I tried to hang out them but my dad wouldn't let me so I snuck out to see them and it worked for a little bit but then my dad caught me and he you know and I stopped hanging out with them because I didn't want to get hurt and one day Charlie snapped and he asked me why" "He asked you why and now you think he hates you?" "No I know he hates me" "but how do you know that he hates you?" "Because" "becau-" Adam was cut off by some one knocking on the door and my uncle opened my door "hey kids it's time for bed Adam please go to your room" Adam got off my bed "night Lottie" "night" he turned off my lights and him and uncle left my room I layed down on my bed trying to fall asleep but I was tossing a turning all night until I finally fell asleep *in the morning* Adam came in my room "Lottie wake up!" He threw a pillow in my face "ow Adam I'm trying to sleep here" "yea well we have school" "and?" "Lottie we have to go to school" "but I don't wanna go" "well to bad" he says as he pulled the covers off me "get dressed a meet me down stairs" "you're mean" "yeah yeah" he says as he walks out of my room and after a minute of just laying in my bed I get dressed and grab my bag and walked downstairs "finally it took you long enough" "I will hit you" "kids stop fighting and get in the car" me and Adam walk out and get into his dads car "you guys ready for school?" "Sure" I says and Adam laughs and then I started laughing too

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