Best friends

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*I changed the introduction so plz go and read it again I'm sorry for changing it sm but I just mad the final edits and I just wanted to clarify the ducks know that Adam and Lottie live together*

I go up to coach "hey coach you still taking me home?" "Yeah you ready?" "Sure when ever you are" we stay for a few more minutes then we head out to his car "do you know where I live?" "Yeah" we both get in "did you have fun?" "Yeah it's good to be back" "what? Oh yeah I remember Charlie telling me what happened about you leaving the team" "he told you?" "Yeah he told me a lot about you" "really?" "Yeah I practically knew everything about you before I met you" I laugh "you would think he's in love with you" I laugh harder this time "he literally hated me"  he laughs "it sure didn't sound like it" "this is your house?" "Yeah" I get out of the car and he rolls down the window "thank you, for making me come back to my old team" "of course" "see you later?" "Maybe" I wave bye to him and go and walk in my house "Adam!" I run and hug him "you ok?" "Yeah I just have a minor concussion" "I'm glad your ok" "oh and by the way I invited the team over for a sleepover is that ok?" "What- charlotte you can't do that but I guess it's ok" uncle said "good" "did we win?" Adam asks "Yeah! We did" his eyes light up "really?" He hugs me again "when are they coming over?" "Soon" and just as I said that we hear our doorbell ring "I'll get it!" I go and open the door "Jesse,terry!" I hug both of them "we did good tonight" "where's cake eater?" Adam walks up to the door "right here" Adam and Jesse hug "so how bad is it?" "Just a minor concussion" "come in" they both walk in "wow I mean I knew you guys were Rich but-" "oh come on we aren't that rich" they both look at us with yes you are faces then we hear the doorbell ring "I'll get it" I yell again I go and open the door and I see half of the team and I have a few questions like how the hell did y'all get here so fast? And how'd y'all get your stuff for a sleepover that fast? this wasn't even planned "hey Guys! Come in" they walk in and set their stuff down "wow your guys house is big!" "Yeah!" The doorbell rings once again "Adam can you get it?" "Yeah" and lone behold it's the rest of the team again how the fuck did y'all get your stuff so fast I haven't even been home for 10 minutes! "Hey! Come in!" Adam says and the rest of the team walks in "welcome to our home!" I say "it's so pretty" Connie says "can we see your guys rooms?" Me and Adam share a look before both saying "sure" and we walk upstairs and we walk in my room "Lottie your room is so pretty" "thank you I try" I laugh "we should have a girls sleepover soon" "yess!" We look at Tammy "I don't mind" we leave my room and walk into Adam's room "this is so cool!" Peter says while walking in Adam's room and after a minute we all walk down stairs and we all get comfortable on the couch and some on the floor with blankets "what do you guys wanna watch?" "how about we play a game?" "I'm down you guys?" We got a mix of yeahs and sure from the team "what about would you rather?" "Sure" "yeah" "I don't mind" "alright I'll go first" Jesse says "would you guys rather, be poor but be happy and have real friends or be really rich but have fake friends and you're not happy?" "Be poor" Adam answers almost immediately "same" "same but why?" "Because it's better to be happy and being with people who actually care about you then being rich with people who don't care about you" "wow that's deep" "but she's right" " "ok, ok I'm gonna go next" "would you guys rather, be able to fly or be able to read peoples minds" "Oo I say be able to read peoples minds" Connie's says "I would wanna be able to fly" "I wanna be able to do both" Karp says "well that's not how this works it's one or the other" "oh" we play that for a about an hour then we find and movie to watch, Connie is the first to fall asleep then guy and they both fell asleep on each other and soon the rest of team is out cold Charlie has his head on my shoulder so I try not to move so I don't wake him "good night char" I whisper in his ear, he smiles

-a few days later Bombay leaving-

Coach says his goodbyes to the time each time looking for advice "stay safe, and don't forget us" I say and he laughs "that won't happen" "anything else?" "And for gods stake soft hands" me and Adam look at each other with confusion but then laugh Bombay kisses Charlie's mom goodbye and gets on the bus "oh and ducks" "I'll see you next season" he goes and sits down in the bus and the bus leaves and we all follow it

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