Playoffs present

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Me and the ducks are actually doing somewhat good besides what happened with me and Charlie everything's been pretty awesome i don't think I really realized how much I really missed these guys and coach has been pretty great and me and Connie and guy have been hanging out more and I've warmed up to Tammy and Tommy and Fulton a little more since they're kinda new to the team and I've never really talked or hung out with them but besides that they all seem like genuinely nice people but there's still some tension between me and the old district 5 team but I'm sure that will blow over eventually, I hope right now we're playing the huskies
"Over here I'm open!" Adam says to Charlie but Charlie passes it and then after a minute Charlie finally passes it to Adam and Adam scores making it 1 v 1 "Goldberg I'm gonna have you sit this one out" "what your seriously pulling the goalie when we're tied?" I ask  and the whole team starts to tell coach that's not the right thing to do until coach gets fed up with us " listen just listen to me the tie isn't gonna help us we need the win"  "okay Fulton you're our extra man,everybody get the puck to Fulton that's your job" "we pulling the statue of liberty play?" Fulton asks "no but take your shot you may only get one so it's gotta be good" "but coach one outta one?" "Soft hands Fulton concentration,not strength" guy reminds him and winks at Connie  "that's right!" "Okay? Let's gets the huskies"  I hit Fultons jersey to get his attention he turns around "you got this remember what Guy told you" he nods his head at me as we go on the ice and just like coach said we got the puck to Fulton and he shoots and makes it we win and we all go and hug him we made the playoffs! And few days later Bombay surprises by taking us to see the north stars as a playoffs present "this is awesome" "yeah it's amazing" "hey gordo,Gordon Bombay right?" "You remember me?" Coach asks "yeah sure from peewees,this guy used to rule in peewees" "I heard you were a lawyer" "yeah but im coaching peewee now and this is my team the ducks" "ducks this is Basil McRae and Mike modano" "yeah duh!" "Hey ducks listen to this guy he knows what he's talking about if you ever want a shot,I'll get you a tryout in the minor league clubs" "thanks" they leave to go be with their team "alright let's have some fun!" And we all head out on the ice and just stake around having fun and enjoying each other's company hell even me and Charlie and Jesse were civil Connie and guy are holding hands and the rest of us we were racing each other and doing mini scrimmages and it was the most fun I've had in a while and while I was just staking with Connie and guy Charlie and Jesse come up to me "hey" I look at both of them very confused "hey?" "Can we talk to you alone?" Charlie asks Connie and guy both look at me I nod and they stake somewhere else still hand in hand and we were silent for a min before Charlie speaks up "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what I said the other night that was uncalled for and I didn't mean to say those things the way they sounded" I stay silent "yeah I'm sorry for being mean to you" I look at them "I'm sorry to I should've told you guys why I couldn't hang out with you guys anymore and I should've been more considerate" "it's not you're fault it was your dad" "yeah but can we just please be done with all this hating each other nonsense?" "Yeah" "sure" I smile at them and they smile back then Charlie hits my arm "come on lets have some fun" and me,Jesse and Charlie put our arms around each other and stake together "ready to slide?" "Yeah!" "Ok 3 2 1" and we slide on the ice and soon enough the whole team joined in And we all did that for a few minutes then we kinda went back to doing our own things in groups tammy is trying to teach me how to spin on the ice "ok just like this" she spins then she stops "your turn" and I try and as you can imagine it didn't go well I fell "it's ok just try again" she says to reassure me and I try and few more times before giving up then we stake for a little bit then we get off the ice and find our seats im siting next to Connie I'm on my left side of her then karp notices that we're on the screen he hits my arm to get my attention "look!" He points to the screen and the rest of the ducks start to notice aswell but a few minutes later I spot some of the hawks they both give me and Adam glares and they laugh causing adam to hide his face because of embarrassment I just glare at them but besides that it was fun I think I'm starting to fit in with the ducks
I'm sorry this one was short

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