The flying V

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We win the game against the Hornets 5-3! Now we're on the semi finals playing the cardinals  Adam has the puck and he stakes down the middle and he scores, now Jesse's got the puck "come on Jesse! You got this!" He passes it to averman and he passes it to Adam,he passes the puck to Guy and he shoots and he scores! And we win 4-2, we all celebrate by pouring soda on each other and hugging and dancing "we did it! Lola we did it!" Charlie explains "I know,I know!" We hug and jump up and down after a few seconds we pull away "how bout we hang out at the mall?" He got a mix of "yeah"and "sure" and we all head to the mall with our rollerblades on and we rollerblade around for a few hours then go home and now we're playing the hawks both mine and Adam's old team as we head out on the ice Jesse reminds Adam "hey banks don't forget what side you're on" "he's a duck Jesse he'll play like a duck" we head out on the ice, Adam almost immediately gets pushed on the ice I get the puck from Larson I pass it to Adam but Larson gets the puck again but guy gets the puck out from Larson and onto the ice and Adam gets it "Adam! Two coming hard!" He gets knocked down against the boards the hawks get the puck again only this time they score,the hawks have the puck once again but Guy hits one of them onto the ice and gets the puck but he doesn't make it the hawks make a comeback on to center ice and they score again they try and score again but Goldberg blocks it and Guy gets the puck and he passes it to me but I get knocked down on the ice and the hawks score again, god I fucking hate this now my back hurts  "don't be scared of them ducks that's what they want, keep you heads up and play proud" coach reminds us "let's fly!, come on let's go" we head out on the ice the hawks have the puck at first then his pass is taken by Charlie who passes it the Adam but McGill from behind knocks him down but he still scores I go over to make sure Adam's ok because he's not getting up I kneel down next to him "Adam come on, wake up you scored!" Adam didn't respond "What did you do?" Larson looks up at McGill  "my job!" "What the fuck McGill!" "Adam!" I shake his body "get up!" "I don't think he's getting up" "shut up Larson! You're not helping" coach comes over once he realizes what's happening the paramedics get adam on a stretcher  "did it go in?" Adam asks Jesse "yeah, man" "Jesse do me a favor,kick some hawk butt" "all right, cake eater"  "I'll see you at home" I say to Adam, he nods "win it for me" "I'll try" I go up to coach "hey coach I know this might be a bad time but can you take me home after the game" "yeah sure" we make our way back to the rest of the team "let me go after them get let me get em" Fulton tells coach "no we're better then that" "look it's time to play smart hockey, duck hockey" "all right? we got the power play" "yeah!" "We're gonna hit em where it hurts the most: up there" "that's right!" "Fulton your in" "coach they"ll be rushing him" averman reminds coach "right-" "Jesse make sure you give Fulton plenty of time" "Jesse, do good" coach claps "let's go!"  They head out on the ice they get the puck to Fulton, Jesse pushes anyone whos in front of the goal and Fulton hits it and he scores! "Yeah! Way to go Fulton!" We all celebrate and we head back on the ice and the hawks score again coach rounds us up "guys,guys listen up listen we have got to stay focused all right? It ain't over 'till its over" "Lottie,tammy,tommy show theses hawks what you got, come here" he gives us a pep talk and we head out on the ice, I get the puck and I pass it to Tommy, Tammy spins and then Tommy passes to her "now!" and she scores! She spins out of excitement, but she gets pushed on the ice and  I go and help her up "Tammy you ok?" "Yeah" we walk back to the bench then we see Fulton grab McGill and push him over the boards onto the bench then he tries to fight the whole hawks team but then he gets held back by the ref  "game misconduct, your out of the game son" "I'm out coach" Coach gets mad "he barely touched him!" And some of the ducks head out on the ice "come on guys you get this!" Coach rounds up Jesse,terry and guy and he gives them a pep talk "alright line Change!" We head out on the ice, Jesse gets the puck then coach yells "flying V!" We get into the Flying V, now terry has the puck but he passes it to Jesse and we all separate each knocking down one of the hawks, Jesse moves down the right side making it so he's in the front of the net and he scores making it 4-4 "yeah!" We all huddle up around Jesse and jump up and down then we all go back to bench with to rest of the team "good job Guys I'm proud of you" we switch it up I go and sit on the bench and watch as the hawks try to score but Goldberg stops it the puck goes to averman he passes it to Charlie, he moves across the ice "come on Charlie" now he's down the middle but he gets pushed down on the ice "hey! Where's the call?" The ref comes up to coach "coach penalty shot anyone can on the ice can take it" coach walks in front of us "all right ducks who's gonna take it?" "I think Guy should take it" "me?" "Yeah you" "how about Charlie?" "All he does is fan" Peter reminds coach, I hit Peter on the arm "let's let him finish what he started"  "coach we have a chance to win" Charlie remarks "damn straight we do." "Come here, you've been practicing that triple deke?" "Yeah"  "then your all set" "you may make it, you may not but that doesn't matter Charlie what matters is that we're here" "look around, who ever thought we make it this far?" "One,two,three triple deke" "take your best shot, I believe in you Charlie win or lose" "thanks coach" "go get em" "yeah Charlie you got this" Charlie heads back on the ice, we chant "Charlie,Charlie" he gets the puck and he makes his way over to the net and he scores! "Yeah!" "Woo!" Me and the ducks all head out on the ice and we all hug each other and jump up and down, guy and Connie make out "Charlie you did it!" "I did it,I did it!" We pull apart and smile at each other I go over to Connie and Tammy and we have a group hug, me and Tommy hug and then they bring over the trophy and we all have a big group hug while chanting "ducks, ducks"  "sleepover at my house?" I ask "yeah!"

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