Rounding up the ducks new and old

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Hi a lot has happened first thing Tammy and Tommy moved away second thing thing Peter and Karp decided that hockey wasn't their thing anymore and Jesse and terrys parents got a divorce and terry had to go live with his mom in another state 

I was just laying on Charlie's bed reading a book when I hear a duck call? "Hey Charlie!" Me and Charlie both go and look out the window to see coach "lottie?" "Hey coach I missed ya" "missed you too, do you guys wanna play do hockey?" me and Charlie look at each other and We go and get our roller blades on and go meet up with coach he gives the duck call to Charlie and we go on our way and we find Jesse first "Charlie,Lottie!" "Jesse the ducks are back!" I say and without hesitation he joins us,next is averman he's working at the movie theater giving out tickets "averman! Let's go!" I say, he hesitates at first but joins us we roller blade around for a few minutes "who's up next?" "We gotta get Connie and guy" and just as Charlie says that we see Connie and guy about to kiss but Charlie decides to interrupt it by doing the duck call to get their attention Guy looks at us and Connie turns around "the quack attack is back jack!" Averman says "come on let's go!" Connie says to guy as she runs off "I was this close!" "You guys can make out later!" I say and Guy runs off following Connie and after a few minutes they come back with their roller blades on now we gotta go get Goldberg so we go to his family's restaurant and we all yell "Goldberg!" And less than 4 minutes he joins us, up next up is Adam so we go to my house and Charlie does the duck call and Jesse says "hey cake-eater you wanna play so real hockey?" "Yeah come on!" The rest of the ducks say  "yeah!" Adam joins us and we're all just Having fun "guys it's an intonation competition!"
"It's us against the world!" "Hey man bring them on we're ready!" Jesse hits Goldberg playfully but Goldberg loses his balance and falls but we still continue to rollerblade around and a few minutes later we find Fulton "that will teach them not to mess with the ducks! Yeah!" He quickly joins us and we go to find coach and after a few minutes we find him and Charlie uses the duck call and we all start chanting "Ducks! Ducks!" And we all swarm around coach and we chant "ducks! Ducks!" And few more times until coach speaks up "wellcome back ducks I missed you guys are you ready to fly?" And we all shout "yeah!" A random limo shows up "awesome! Who's in there?" "Can't be from here" and some random man pops out from the top of the car "hey guys I'm don tibbles,Hendrix hockey apparel we're your official sponsor's,anybody want a card?" We all rush to the random man saying "yeah yeah absolutely I'll take one" 

*time skip*

"Tell me about my new kids" tibbles points to a boy "that Luis Mendoza he's from our mami club a real speedster incredible staker I clocked him at 1.9 seconds blue line to blue line" he stakes around  "he's a good looking staker" "very good looking what do you think Guy?" "Shut up averman!" Guy hits averman causing him to fall tibbles begans to speak again "he has one minor problem" and just as he says that Luis falls hard "has a little trouble stopping"  "I'd say so" Goldberg replies and a minute later a different boy stakes over to us "yee-haw how is everyone! Ya'll ready to play some puck?" I gonna be honest I've never heard of a country boy hockey player before but he seems sweet "thats Dwayne Robertson from Austin he's the back pick handler I've seen" "you mean for his age" "no I don't" then he moves on to a girl the only girl out of the new bunch "that's Julie "the cat" Gaffney" me and Connie both look at each other with excitement that we're gonna have another girl on the team "she won the state championship for Maine three years in a row" and we watch her do her thing and wow she's good I don't wanna sound mean but she's way better than Goldberg "but we already have a goalie,Goldberg" "but I guess we could a back up" another boy stakes over to us I recognize him he's the kid from the Olympics
"isn't that that kid from the Olympics the figure staker?" "Yep Ken wu,what can I say I convinced him hockey had more of a future"  "we put a stick in his hand and nobody's been able to touch him"  we all just start staking around talking tibbles points to a kid? The kid starts singing and he pushes Charlie  onto the ice "uh yeah hormones" "he's a goon" "come on sing it with me" he pushes over averman and he goes over to Dwayne "c'mon Tex sing it with me" Dwayne shakes his head in fear and Mr music man pushes Guy and throws Julie a hockey stick "here you go sweetie" "my kids don't play that kind of hockey" "I believe their called enforcers Gordon and when you play Iceland your gonna need em" then Mr music man over here picks up Ken and puts him on top of the net "my little man!" Poor Ken and before you know it we're all up in each other faces arguing then coach blows the whistle at us "everybody freeze!" "We didn't come here to fight! We came here to play" "that's right!" Tibbles responds Bombay looks at him "sorry" "now let's play!" Bombay blows his whistle "yeah!" Tibbles responds and blows his whistle aswell, Bombay looks at him again but this time holding out his hand "come on" tibbles gives Bombay his whistle and walks off the ice we all laugh "alright ducks show em what you got!" Coach blows his whistle again and we play and I'm not gonna lie to you we didn't play very good I don't think that many of us practiced then me and Adam during the offseason, Fulton gets ready, me and the rest of the ducks get out of the way out of fear of getting hit he hits it but it doesn't make it in but it does hit tibbles head but some lady does help him "oh I haven't introduced myself my Michelle mackay I'm their Tudor" Tudor who says we need a Tudor? I'll have you know I have straight As "who says we need a Tudor?" "Yeah!" The rest of the ducks both new and old agree Goldberg Puts his hand over her shoulder and he tries and fails to convince her to let us not have school and after a few minutes tibbles and ms mackay left and we kept arguing with each other so Bombay tied all of us together which if your wondering is very uncomfortable "I don't know how many times I gotta say it your a team and as a team stake!" Bombay blows his whistle "everyone this way!" Mr music man says "who said you're in charge? Everyone this way!" We all go separate ways and fall "you can complain all you want but I'm not untying you until you learn to work as a team again!" He blows his whistle and all go separate ways because it's hard to all go the same way when you can barely move but eventually we learn to stake together and even though it was hard at first it was kinda fun "good! You're doing it!" We stake together a few more times before practice is technically over but Bombay has us all in a circle and he was a rope in his hand for some reason "you guys did good today I'm proud of you but hockey should also be fun" he stops for a second "rancher Dwayne" he hands Dwayne the rope "round me up some stray cattle" "my pleasure!" We all get up and stake away while Dwayne try's to get us with the rope and after Dwayne got everyone out he taught us how to line dance on ice and I'm not gonna lie I think I'm starting to like theses new ducks

-on the plane to LA-
"You guys excited?" I ask "yeah! I've always wanted to go to LA" "same" "guys we should get to know more about each other we don't really know much about each other" the rest of the ducks agree "we should play 20 questions" Luis suggest and we all agree "alright I go first what's your guys favorite color?" "Mines probably lavender" I say "lavender?" Charlie asks "It's soft type of purple" "mines brown" Connie replies "red" Julie says "blue" "dark blue" "grey" "green" "purple" "yellow" "orange" "next question" "alright how long have you guys been playing hockey for?" They all look at me for some reason "what? Why are you guys looking at me like that?" How long have you played hockey for?" "Umm I've been playing since I was 5" "that's when you moved to Minnesota right?" Connie asks "yeah" "you're not from Minnesota?" Bombay asks, yes he's on the plane with us "Nope" "where are you from?" Luis asks "Wisconsin" "cool" "didn't you also live in Maine for like a year before you moved to Minnesota?" "Yeah only because my aunt lives there" "aunt Sarah lives in Maine?" Adam asks "yeah" Adam's never met our aunt I've only met her once when I lived with her but he's only heard about her "you lived in Maine?" Julie asks "where in Maine?" "Bangor" "no way" "what?" "That's where I live" "maybe we knew each other" "maybe but probably not since you only lived in Maine for a year" "yeah" "but you know what's funny" "what?" "My aunt, uncle and my cousins lived with me in Maine when I was like 4 they moved away after my aunt died my mom always talks about how she misses her baby brothers in Minnesota and how she wished that they still lived with us" I thought about for a moment, holy shit "what's your moms name?" I ask "Sarah why?" "What's her maiden name?" "Um i think Sarah banks why?" I look at Adam he's just as surprised as I am "what?" She looks at both of us then she realizes "holy shit" "what?" Luis asks "language!" Bombay reminds us but to be honest I don't think we give a fuck right now "we're cousins I think" we all say together "wow i didn't know this would be a family reunion" Bombay says "what's your moms brothers names?" "Philip and Dawson banks" "that's adds up" "yep" "wait but Lottie I thought that your last name was ivory?" Bombay asks "I changed my last name a few years after my mom died I was around 7 so I'd still have apart of her with me" "yeah I think I remember you used to be banks" "yep" "remember we used to ask you if you and Adam were siblings" I laugh "yeah I would hit you up top the head every time you'd say that" "you still do that anytime I say something you don't like" I nod "well you do always say something dumb" "I do not!" Averman defends himself  "yes you do" he rolls his eyes, I hit him playfully "don't roll your eyes at me young man!" He laughs I put my head on his shoulder, both me and the old ducks are super close and we'd normally put our heads on each other's shoulders so this was just a normal thing "your weird" "your weirder" we finally make it to LA and we get off the plane and head to our dorms we all have to stay in dorms instead of a hotel because let's be honest we'd get kicked out, we walked in our side of the dorm complex "oh my god" "this is amazing" coach blows his whistle "alright listen up! I'm gonna tell you who yo our sharing a room with" "Connie, Julie and Lottie dorm 10" we all look at each other a smile "Guy, Charlie, and Adam dorm 9" "dean,fulton dorm 11" "and the rest of you guys dorm 8" "and how about in a couple hours after you guys are unpacked we go to an amusement park?" "Yeah!" "Sure!" We all agree and head to our dorms

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