Amusement park

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Since we have new ducks joining us Bombay thought that we could go to an amusement park so we can spend more time together to get to know each other but the bad thing is we're staying in dorms that are right next to each other and believe it or not we have our dorm complex with just us ducks and Bombay wants us up by 5 am which it hard enough without your friends having to pull you out of bed but right now, me, Connie and Julie are getting ready while Julie asked us questions about the team "so what's the rest of the team like are they nice?" "Yeah they're nice but some take a little more warming up to than others but you won't have to worry about them" "ok good" We finish getting ready and head downstairs and we wait for the boys "Where are they?" "They're taking forever" "I wonder what they're doing?" "Probably something stupid" I roll my eyes  "I wouldn't be surprised" and just as Connie says that we see the boys and coach "what took you guys so long?" "We kinda forgot" "you forgot?" "Yeah" "Whatever let's just go," Connie says as she grabs Guy's hand and we head to the bus and get on "So how are you guys liking LA so far?" Coach asks "Well we don't know yet because we've been in our dorms all day," Fulton says and we all laugh "Sassy much?" Coach says while pretending to be hurt by Fulton's words "I mean he's not wrong" Julie says and Mr Music Man or Portman whatever you wanna call him nods and the bus stops "alright we're here" "remember to stay in groups of at least three people at all times" we all nod and head out of the bus and we all follow Charlie in a single file line "what the hell are you guys doing?" Coach asks, but we don't respond "Did you guys rehearse this?" Miss Mac Kay asks and we all shake our heads while laughing "I mean hey at least they're staying together right?" Bombay laughs "So what ride do you guys wanna go on first?" Julie asks, Charlie and Fulton point to a roller coaster "That one!" All the ducks nod but me "Lola?" "I can't" "Why?" "I-I I'm scared of roller coasters" "Oh it's ok I'll hold your hand," he says "No, no it's fine I'll just get a pretzel" "are you sure" "I'm sure" "I smile and they all nod and I head over to Bombay and miss Mackay "they don't know?" He asks "no, and I certainly don't want them finding out by me blacking out on a roller coaster" coach looks at me "you know, their all gonna find out eventually" I nod " I know, I just don't feel like telling them" that was true there was nothing behind it I was just too lazy to tell them "what happens if you faint, out of nowhere and they ask you about it?" "Then I'll tell them, but coach it's fine I know my body I know what my body can and can not handle" he now understands what I'm saying "And I've only ever fainted once out of nowhere, the rest were
on roller coasters" "still.." "can we go get my pretzel now?" He smiles "sure" we walk over to the pretzel stand and I get my pretzel and we head back to meet back up with the team "Lottie!" Connie says and she runs up to me and hugs me "yeah, yeah I missed you too con," I say sarcastically, she just laughs and we walk back with the rest of the team "hey, welcome back," averman says sarcastically "shut up." He puts his hands up "yes ma'am." Charlie glares at him, I don't know why though "alright let's go on some rides Lottie will go on," Bombay says and everyone nods "so no roller coasters" "wait, wait you guys can go on roller coasters, I just won't go on them" "what ride do you wanna go on?" Coach asks while looking at me "I don't know I've never been here before!" I say, I look around "That one." I say while pointing at a roller coaster "I thought you were afraid of roller coasters?" Julie asks "Only fast ones," I say "That one it is," Charlie says while putting his arm around me, I smile as heat fills my cheeks and we head over to the roller coaster and get in line and wait for ten minutes until we got on the ride, it was fun but it was getting kinda late so we only went on a few more rides and got some food until we had to head back to the dorms because we a game the next day "Everyone here?" Bombay asks we all nod, but he does a head count just to see safe and as you could have guessed all of us were accounted for we headed back to the dorms and got the shower, and most of us headed to bed, I tried to sleep but I couldn't so I just went in the big kitchen downstairs to garb some lemonade "Lottie?" I hear a familiar voice I turn around "Averman? What are you doing?" "I wanted to give myself a tour since we didn't get one, what are you doing out here?" "I'm just drinking lemonade you want some?" he walks over to the fridge and gets himself some lemonade "So why are you really out here?" he asks while sitting next to me "What do you mean?" he looks at me "you know what I mean Lottie" we both stay silent for a minute till he speaks up "Homesick?" he asks, I nod "Yeah I am too but it's only for a few months, and hey you have us," he says referring to the ducks "Yeah," I say "You ok?" he asks "I feel weird" I say how?" "Like I'm homesick but not of home back in Minnesota" he looks at me trying to understand "You miss Wisconsin?" he asks, I nod "But I don't know why, I haven't been there since I was five I hardly remember Wisconsin"  "You miss your mom and Pete?" he asks, I just look at him he hugs me "Yeah I do."  he stays silent not knowing what to say "hey, you wanna go shopping tomorrow?" he says, I smile "sure" he gets up "come one we should get to bed, we have a game tomorrow" "oh, yeah I forgot about that" he laughs as I get up and we head to our dorms to go to sleep

Hii I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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