I hate you

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"why are you guys laughing?" "no reason" i say
We pull up to school "alright kids have a good day" "you too" we both say as we get out of the car
"I do not wanna be here" I say Adam rolls his eyes "yeah,yeah come on" he starts to walk away and then he pulls my backpack so I follow him "what was that for?" "For fun" I glare at him as we walk to class *skip to science* I was just sitting in science while the teacher was talking then he left to talk to the principal Karp turned around to talk to Charlie "how'd the forfeit go,spaz-way? Peter responds "yeah did you score?" "Leave me alone,guys I don't wanna talk about the team." "Oh yeah suree coach's pet" "everyone knows he likes you best" "he likes his mom" Charlie gets up now pissed as he pushes Karp "take it back karp!" "Take it back!" Connie gets up to get in between the boys and she pushes Karp "leave him alone" Peter gets mad "you have not right shoving Karp!" He pushes Connie,Connie replies "don't push me!" As guy gets up to defend Connie "don't push her,she's a girl!" He pushes Peter now everyone is pushing each other throwing stuff I get up to join the action because why not and suddenly our teacher and the principal come back in "my atoms!" "Sit down!,all of you!" We all rush back to our seats as fast as we cant and then the principal starts scolding us "I never in my life seen such badly behaved students!" "What do you have to say for yourself?" She asks then Peter says "quack" and the rest of the class joins after a couple of seconds I join in to but Charlie and Jesse glare at me,Connie and guy smile at me the principal looks in so confused then she yells "detention all of you!" Then she's storms out we all laugh Connie comes up to me "it's good to have you back" connie says as she hugs me "god I've missed you" I hug back *skip to detention* me and the ducks are all writing on the chalkboard
"I will not quack at the principal" while saying "I will not quack at the principal" then their coach comes in and Karp looks at him "what do you want?" The coach replies "I want to talk to you guys" Tammy replies "people!" "People right" "sit down all of you" no one sits down "okay or don't" "look what's done is done, I wanna be your coach again" "you really wanna coach a bunch of losers?" "No I wanna coach the ducks" "what about what you said? You said we didn't deserve to live" ok I agree with karp I wouldnt want a guy coaching my team who said me and team didn't deserve to live "I was being sarcastic do you know what that means?" Ok but why would you say that in general? Karp replies sarcastically "Noo" "ok you do I didn't mean those things the way they sounded you guys know what's it like to be misunderstood right?" Yes we're kids but again why would you say that in any context? "Yeah we're kids" "so.. can you guys forgive me can I be your coach again?" Guy speaks up "what about banks" Jesse's replies "and ivory" I look at Jesse he glares at me "They can be on the team if they want they should've been with us all year it was you guys who were cheated but let's forget All that crap we're a team right?" Everyone but me replies "yeah" "I made you guys and I'm sticking with ya,so what's it gonna be? We can play tomorrow night and still have a shot at playoffs or we can forfeit again and the seasons over" he looks at Peter "well I think we should probably practice" "all right let me see if I can get you guys out of detention" "you really quacked at the principal? Are we ducks or what?!" All the ducks reply "yeah!" He starts to walk out" "wait" I say he turns around "yes?" "Sorry I just wanted to induce myself im charlotte ivory im apart of this team now i guess" "hi charlotte im coach Bombay im you're new coach im assuming you'll be coming to practice with us?" "Yes" "good" he smiles at me as he walks out *skip to practice* me and Adam walk in the locker room everyone looks at us Bombay comes in a couple seconds later "hey I wasn't sure if you guys would show up" Adam replies "yeah whatever, we just wanna play hockey" "good" "ducks you all know Adam banks and charlotte ivory" Charlie starts to speak "on behalf of the ducks Adam l'd like to say welcome" Jesse gets in front of Charlie "cake eater,lollipop sucker" averman starts to speak "ohh the Jess-man dissin the the new players! The Jess ster!" "Shut up Averman!" Jesse walks up to us and says "puttin' on a ducks jersey doesn't mean you're real ducks" he walks out and team follows him "they're a good group once you get to know them" I scoff Adam says "l bet" "well suit,up I'll see you on the ice" after practice was over coach came up with an idea "how about we all hang out it seems like a lot of tension so how about we all have dinner at Charlie's? If it's ok with you and your mom" he looks at Charlie " I'm sure it's fine" so we all head to Charlie's house me and Adam are the last people to arrive we knock on the door. Charlie's mom opens the door "charlotte?" She hugs me I hug back " how are you doing sweetheart?" "I'm good how bout you" "I'm good and who are you?" She looks at Adam "I'm Adam" she smiles at him "well it's nice to meet you Adam come in both of you!"  We walk in "Lottie!" Connie says as her and Guy run up to me and hug me Charlie is the couch he scoffs "what?" I ask "nothing I just find it funny that guy and Connie can forgive you so quickly" "forgive? For what she didn't do anything wrong" Guy says "you know for joining the hawks and stopping talking to us without any reason" "Charlie it isn't her fault her dad made her join the hawks" Connie defendeds me "yeah well maybe that's true but she still stopped talking to us after promising that she would still talk to us" "Charlie you don't understand" Adam jumps in "shut it cake eater!" Jesse replies "u know what I don't understand is why,why'd you stop talking to us charlotte? You just stopped talking to us acting like we never existed and now you wanna act like it's all ok now because you've joined our team again?" "oh my god Charlie!You're acting like I wanna be a duck!" "You're not a duck you're a hawk and you'll always be a hawk you'll never be a duck!" "Charlie!" "God I never thought I'd say this but god charlotte I miss who you used to be I miss the charlotte who would actually talk to me" I bite my tongue to stop me from crying "you know what I think it's time for me to go" I say as me and Adam make our way out "no Lottie don't leave" Connie says as she grabs my hand "I'm sorry but it's obvious I'm not wanted here so I think if it's best that I leave" look at Charlie as me and Adam walk out after after few minutes of walking in silence he asks me "are you ok?" I look at him with tears in my eyes "I'll be ok" he hugs me I hug back
Sorry if it's short

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