24| Sophie

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"Sophie! You have to wear the hat!" Biana exclaimed and she tried to chase me around the room.

"But I don't want to wear it," I whined.

"It's so fancy and the colour of it is disgusting,"

"I know right. But, anyways, it's our graduation Sophie. After the Elite Levels you'll finally be free of stupid Foxfire and school. So please, just wear the hat," Biana begged, getting down on her knees. I huffed and snatched the hat out of Biana's hands and tried to adjust it on my head.

"There, now can we go now? Keefe and Dex are waiting for us," I said, heaving Biana up.

"You're the one who didn't want to wear the hat," she muttered. I ignored her as we walked to the leapmaster.

"Foxfire!" I shouted and felt the glittery feathers engulf Biana and I. 


"Where were you guys? You took twenty minutes to get here!" Keefe said, mad at me, but still relieved that I didn't get hurt.

"Yeah, I was worried sick,"   Dex said, embracing Biana tightly. Dex had become so tall that he was almost the height of Keefe.

"Dex, you can let go now," Biana said, but her voice was muffled since her face was buried in Dex's shoulder. Dex flushed and let go of the brunette.

"Sorry, I was just really worried,"

"Yep, you already said that. But someone here, refused to put her hat on," She ratted me out. That little rat. I glared her and she glared right back.

"Typical Foster. Always making things late," Keefe sighed.

"Hey!" I said, smacking his arm. He laughed.

"Alright, let's not waste any more time. You guys still need to graduate while Fitz and I will stand in the audience feeling proud. My girl has grown up so quickly," Keefe pretended to wipe a tear off his face. I rolled my eyes, but took his hand in mine. There was a huge stage where all twelve councillors were standing. My least favourite councilor saw me walking and wrinkled her nose. Like the sight of me disgusted her.

"Good luck," Keefe whispered, his breath hot on my cheek. I blushed, but then he gave me a slight nudge, signaling me to walk forward. There was a huge line of people who were graduating, but there were reserved spots for me and all my friends except Keefe and Fitz. I walked to the front of the line and saw all my friends standing there looking bored. The council had already admitted Rayni in the school for a better chance for her to redeem herself. Tam's arm was slung around her shoulder while she laughed along with something Linh said. I was glad Rayni was feeling more and more welcomed.

"Hey guys, ready to graduate and leave this school forever?" I said, making jazz hands.

"Definitely," Marella nodded. The council appreciated Marella's effort of defeating the Neverseen, even though they weren't truly defeated. The memories of them still haunted us, from Biana's scars to Fitz's and my echos.

The council had decided that Marella hadn't hurt anyone with her ability and lifted the ban of pyrokinesis, but there were still a few restrictions in place. Like, they always had to have a hydrokintetic with them when they used it for something big but they weren't allowed to use it in busy places.

"We are all gathered here today to celebrate the graduation of our young Foxfire students as they enter nobility." Emery's voice boomed across the auditorium, silencing the crowd. A few cheers were called out in the audience, but we could hear Keefe and Fitz's one the most.

"Can Biana Amberly Vacker please step up to the podium?" Biana took a deep breath and held her head high as she walked up to wear Emery was standing. Oralie gave her a small smile. Things were still rocky with me and my biological mother, but I was slowly starting to forgive her. I just wasn't sure if I could forgive her fully. There would always be a barrier between us, whether we liked it or not.

"I now pronounce this young woman as Lady Biana Amberly Vacker!" Everyone cheered and clapped as Biana beamed at the attention. She was given a scroll that was tied with a glowing white ribbon indicating the official form that she was graduated from Foxfire. She gave her parents a wave and stepped down from the podium.

"Dexter Alvin Dizznee," Dex stepped up to the podium, his hands clammy, but he had a determined look on his face. He was still deciding whether or not he would want to go to Elite Levels, but his parents advised him it would be better. Not for the prejudice of the Lost Cities, but for his own self.

"I now pronounce this young man as Lord Dexter Alvin Dizznee," Another cheer erupted and I saw my aunt and uncle wipe their happy tears, proud of what Dex had become. Once again he was given the same scroll Biana had been given. After that all my friend were graduated, each of them becoming Lord or Lady. The finally, Councilor Emery called my name.

"Sophie Elizabeth Foster- Ruewen," I took a deep breath and felt my legs shaking under me as I walked toward the twelve councilors. I looked in the audience seeing my parents crying of happiness. Probably happy that I was alive so they could see me graduate. Grady was hugging Edaline and they both had tears streaming down their faces. I could feel my own tears of happiness filling my eyes as I choked down a sob.

"This extraordinary elf has saved the Lost Cities so many times, we have all lost count. And when we forced the ability restrictor on her and banished her from the Lost Cities-" Emery paused as if the sentence he said demanded a moment of silence. I could feel my whole body threatening to shake.

Keep it together 

I looked in the crowd for Keefe, hoping to find some strength in him like I always do. I spotted him and he nodded encouragingly. He blew me a kiss and gave me a thumbs up.

You're doing great,

He mouthed. I nodded and turned back into what Emery was saying.

"Miss Foster, on the behalf of all of us councillors, we wanted to thank you for all you've done, and also say sorry for how we misunderstood you and gave you such a hard time. I guess it was hard for us to accept that there would be a better person than all the twelve of us combined. Which is why, Alina will be sent to Exile and you will take her place," 

MWHAHAAHHHA, it's been a while since I've done cliffhangers right???? *smirks* You Keefesters will just have to wait for another three or two days to figure out why Alina is being sent to Exile. And if Sophie has to take Alina's place, how will she be able to date Keefe??? SO MANY QUESTIONS FOR YOU KEEFESTERS! (it's actually only two, but who cares? Using hyperboles makes me happy :) )


Remember to be strong, be different and be YOU!


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