☠︎︎🩺 six

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"You really brought him?"

I stood beside Aleksandr, looking down at all the vampires who seemed to practically be...gawking up at me. Staring at me with large eyes and lips parted, hungrily.

He tugged on the leash slightly, smirking up at me proudly.

"I had to. I want everyone to see what's mine. I didn't win him just to hide him away." Aleksandr purses his lips, pulling the leash so that I'd have to lower myself. His hand gripped my neck and I stand back up quickly, looking at him like he's crazy. "I haven't tasted him yet, but I'm excited. You can probably tell from his resistance that I haven't drank from him just yet."

"How exciting..." I hear a man murmur, and I felt a chill go down my spine. Only to turn and see that there was some man all in my space.

Right beside was a frail-looking female, a human. She had a collar on and was stuck right to his hip, but she seemed to like being beside him. Based on how she was looking at me like she was afraid I'd take him away from her.

"Aleksandr he smells just as good as you said. It makes me want to get a new pet even more, I'm tired of this one." He yanked his arm out of the woman's grip as he smirks at me.

"Don't get your hopes up. I'm not sharing him for quite a while. I want him to be all mine, I want to taste the best parts first without someone finding them before me." He licks his lips up at me, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Timothy, care to have a chat with me for just a moment?"

Aleksandr happened to let go of the leash to my surprise, and Timothy even abandoned his pet. They were no longer in front of us and now I wondered why they had to go so badly that they'd leave us-.

Wait, who am I kidding?

We are in a club full of vampires. They wouldn't let us get away even if we tried, it's pointless. If anything, that gives them more of the likelihood to try anything on us.

Except...all they did was stare.

I contemplated trying to walk out...the exit was right there.

"Don't bother."

I look down, seeing the woman shake her head.

"It's pointless. And even if they do let you walk out, there's always a horrible reason for doing so."

"I won't. I just thought about it, I'm not truly going to do it." I mumble, hearing someone groan.

Looking to my left, I saw one of the female vampires right on top of a human man. Drinking his blood, I saw that he wasn't seeing it in a pleasurable light, but a painful one.

As his face was red and he looked like he was trying to keep himself from crying. Her hand gripping tightly on his collar and holding him in place.

When she stopped drinking from him, he was quick to sit up and already try to readjust the collar. His eyes were lifeless and he already looked like he wanted to...die.

"That's Kenneth," I hear the woman tell me, and I watch him say something to the woman vampire who just drank from him, "and that's his owner, her name is-."

The woman's head whipped onto me suddenly and before I knew it, I was no longer in front of everybody else. I was now in a private room from everybody else...and I couldn't see this person.

Until the lights turned on and she was right in my face.

"Do you know...how much I waited for this day?" The woman had me pushed up against the wall, her white smile revealing sharp fangs. As if she didn't just drink blood from somebody not even a minute ago. "I'd watch you, all your fights, and I'd wait until you'd lose. So that once you did, I'd take you. I'd buy you and make you mine, forever.

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