☠︎︎🩺 twenty seven

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"I'm happy you came with me." Elio smiles, but I avoided looking at him.

I didn't come with him because I was leaving Aleksandr or doing what he asked of me. I came with him because I knew this would probably be...the last chance that I could speak to Jerome and William.

To understand better, especially from Elio.

"Are you?"

"Of course!" Elio welcomed me into their house again, grabbing my hand. "I was honestly afraid you'd...still take Aleksandr's side after seeing the full past, but... I see now that you and I really are meant to be. I told William, but he believed he read you and was aware of who your choice would be; but for once, he's wrong."

Elio smiles up at me, but when I don't smile back I slowly watch it falter from his face.


"Elio..." I say his name calmly, and right then and there, he yanked his hand from mine.


"What aren't you telling me?" I question him now, seeing him frown at my confronting. "I trusted you and you're not telling me everything. You are on someone's side already, you are with William and he isn't even telling the full thing. So what is going on?"

"I know what I need to know. It's not about 'sides'-."

"Of course it is! Don't play dumb with me." I sneer, Elio's eyes narrowing on me now. "You...aren't telling me it all. You let me hate him and think everything that was done didn't start from somewhere-."

"You decided that, not me." Elio interrupts me sharply.

My eyes widen on him, seeing him glare at me as he snorts.

"You decided from the moment you met him that you'd hate him. I didn't need to tell you anything because you already made your choice. I just sided in that hatred because you had so much of it. You believe anything, and it's not like I lied. He is a horrible person, don't act like he isn't. Everything he's done is bad, don't give him excuses. There's no excuse for his actions-."

"There isn't, but he didn't do everything without a reason. There's a reason for everything, and his reason...was because no one had his back and told him the truth. All those humans, he didn't kill all - he actually killed none. He just had those killed who thought so disgustingly of-."

"Him!" Elio shouts, looking completely and utterly furious. Almost like he couldn't believe that I was...sympathetic. "It was if they thought of him horribly, disgustingly, advantageously. He didn't worry about anyone else because it wasn't about anyone else but himself-."

"And that matters to you because what?" I sneer deeply.

His eyes widen now, and I could tell he didn't like me saying that. It was obvious why it mattered to him.

It was because it mattered to William and that's what he's told him.

"I am human and I know what humans can do to each other just to help themselves. We are all selfish and if we had a chance, we could and probably would be evil creatures. Horrible things that have two choices towards the weak. Take advantage, or help. And so far, all that stayed alive or lived so far, have taken advantage of us. I see no good in my kind, the good is gone." I make known because I was most certain.

Humans of all should know best.

"How about you ask the 'weak' of us. Ask...is there good left in humanity? What do you think they'd say instead of going off what your kind thinks to be true? Instead of listening to William only and accepting what he says to be true? He's full of shit. I don't know what he's seeing, but humans stopped being good some time ago. And it wasn't because of Aleksandr, we were bad before that. You can't blame anybody then, so what is it really?" I question him.

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