☠︎︎🩺 sixteen

564 33 18



I stood at the side as I saw Damon walk down the hall with Aleksandr stuck to his hip. He wore a dark grey suit that complemented him perfectly...everything about him was eye-catching.

Everything about that luxurious suit was to die for. I could tell that whoever made it...tailored it perfectly to Damon. The way it fit on him, pronounced his shoulders, brought out all the best parts of him...

He was so-.

"Sexy, huh?"

I frown, seeing that the both of them were now in front of me. Damon looked down at me so kindly, while Aleksandr looked like he would kill me any second. The only person keeping him from doing that was Damon...

"I'm not sexy."

I just look up at him, surprised that he'd even say that. Aleksandr still looking only at me after he had said that as a growing smirk grew on his lips.

"Don't you want to disagree Elio?" Aleksandr asks me through clenched teeth.

When I look back at Damon, he was still looking only at me. My eyes happening to notice them both wearing matching blue rose corsages. Now I knew that my corsage would be put to shame when compared to his.

How could it not be?

"Are you coming to the gala, Elio?" Damon asks me, and before I could respond Aleksandr snorts.

I saw Damon look down at him, and I could tell he didn't appreciate him doing that. As his eyes glared at him and I found myself smiling at him even caring.

"Why would he come? This is for actually important people-."


I saw Aleksandr's head whip back onto me, and I could tell he was now realizing what I was wearing. I was wearing a suit too, albeit not as nice as the both of theirs.

He got close into my face, staring me down. I knew he was trying to read my mind, but there was nothing I had to hide. Grinning at him, that definitely faltered his disposition as he frowns. Only to shake his head, stepping back quickly as he loops arms with Damon hurriedly.

"Who would invite you?"

"Why are you always rude for absolutely no reason at all?" Damon interjects before I could answer. Not that it was really necessary for me to answer anyway.

Aleksandr forced a smile on his face, removing his arm from around Damon's. He looked back at him and he puts up his hand to him. Showing five fingers, he nods.

"You get five minutes until you need to be down. I'm not tolerating this for much longer." He sneers at Damon, but his eyes settled onto me.

He then disappeared from before us and I look at Damon now. Except he was already grinning down at me. My shyness heightened under his stare as he took my hand and brought me into his room.

Once we were inside, he closes the door and turns to face me.

"You look very nice-."

I rushed him, wrapping my arms around his neck as I kissed him. I kissed him as deeply as I wanted without restraint.

My hands gripping his shoulders, I pulled back now and look at him nervously. Just to see him already smiling at me, my nerves disappearing under his gaze.

"I have been wanting to do that for a bit now...sorry." I apologize, stepping back from him as I admire him some more. "I assume Aleksandr chose this suit for you?"

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