☠︎︎🩺 seven

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"It's infuriating..." I hiss sharply, throwing another one of my cups as it shatters on the floor.

Watching the workers rush to clean it, I left the kitchen because breaking things didn't calm me in this situation.

This is beyond the interest I took in those other pets and messing with them for my enjoyment because I can.

I had to keep myself from losing it as I had to keep myself together. Damon is by far the most difficult human I have ever come across. It doesn't help that I actually have taken an interest in him.

I left that club without getting what I wanted. I didn't enjoy my time and he's only irritated me further.

Being able to watch them slowly fall in love with me and want to give me the world. They were so easy...so wanting of me when I didn't feel the same. It was always jokes and playing around. I messed with Lucifer by messing with his stupid human pets.

All they had to do was look at my face...and they loved me.

Much didn't need to be done to earn that favor.

Except the one person I actually want a reaction from...hates me. He hates me already and I can only imagine why.

Lucifer didn't say anything to him about why he is here, and why he's my first pet - he knows better. The only person that he has clearly spoken to...is Elio.

I should've been killed him by now. He's been around and seen too much of what I have done. Of what Lucifer and I have done.

He's ruining my fun...and I have a feeling he may have said something to Damon.

When I read his mind...I saw nothing. I can't read his mind, I can't see his thoughts, I can't see his memories - nothing. He's a blank slate...I can't read his mind to see if he likes me. I have to go off of his actions...and his actions towards me have shown nothing but pure hatred.

I would rather any of the other pets to have hated me, but not him.

I wanted to enjoy this one. Now...it's becoming frustrating.

No matter how close I get to him, he's not being swayed. He just wants to be away from me, to hate me, to condemn me, to call me a monster. Someone calling me a monster really means nothing to me, but when he says it, it reiterates what I have always thought.

Someone poisoned him against me.

"It was you, wasn't it?"

I stood before Elio, seeing him look up at me in confusion.

He, again, stood guard to Damon's door. Guarding this damn hall...accomplishing nothing but standing.

"Was it me? What do you mean? I haven't done anything that I believe could be offensive to you, sir-."

"Be quiet." I sneer, seeing him bow his head deeply.

"я обещаю." (I promise.)

"And you're lying to me?"

"I am not." Elio stood back up straight, looking directly into my eyes. "You haven't told me what it is I did. 'It was me', what do you think I did? I'm asking because I want to understand. Offending you isn't what I would ever wish to do, sir."

I felt myself get more angry hearing him speak.

The way he spoke and responded just pissed me off. Trying to act like he cares, when he's the reason why Damon hates me.

I'm sure of it.

"You know...you're only making this worse for yourself." I tell him calmly, forcing a smile to my lips as I felt my anger increasing by the second.

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