☠︎︎🩺 twenty eight

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"So this is the high and mighty Aleksandr you spoke of?"

Morgan and I sat in the dining room, my eyes trained on Aleksandr in concentration yet...concern. Whose hair was...completely white, and his eyes were lowered to his plate.

He wasn't even moving, and he wasn't speaking either.

The last time his hair was this white was...never. Except I remember William telling me that when his spirit is shattered, he loses almost all his moral, normalcy, and care.

It looks like he lost his spirit right now, but why isn't his hair dark again? So that tells me enough about it all.

I'm not his match after all. It was Damon...

"Where...is Damon?" I let myself ask him, and when I did Aleksandr's head whipped onto me. A glare so prominent for me as I soon heard Morgan snort.

"You can probably guess...where he is. Don't ask me dumb questions." Aleksandr was now standing up, his eyes whipping onto Morgan now. "And you are Lucifer's new pet, I assume."

"Sure, you can say that. Technically speaking in a vampire's world, I am; but in my world - I'm just Morgan." Morgan snickers, stuffing his face with more food. "I heard you had a pet as well. I was looking forward to meeting him, he sounded interesting. I also hear you may be in love with him."

Aleksandr moved his eyes back onto me and I immediately look away. I'm not too surprised that Morgan is running his mouth on the things I said.

I shouldn't have even said a thing, but I did. I just had so much to rant about and he was a listening ear so-.

"He's right."

I look back up quickly, shocked that he agreed. He wasn't even looking at me now as I saw him pick up a knife.

I wasn't sure...what he was going to do with it. I knew he wouldn't harm Morgan, he's not allowed to harm humans.

"I'm surprised you admitted it," Morgan chuckles, and Aleksandr didn't even react to him, "You're in love with a human being that you bought, and you barely know the guy! Call that irony, not to mention, did you really think that some human would truly fall in love with you after everything you did? He'd have to be absolutely insane for that."

I stood up now, Morgan looking up at me as he looked on curiously. He didn't see anything wrong in his words.

I already know that if this was Damon saying this...I would've possibly wanted to break his neck. Except...now that I know the truth at hand, what is there to say?

It's true.

"You can say what you want, I really don't care. I'm already aware of these things. I don't need another human who knows nothing saying such things to me."

"Okay, I understand. I won't say anything else on it, sounds too deep for me to say anymore on it." Morgan nods, and I was surprised that he actually just...accepted that.

"You're right." Aleksandr was suddenly in my face, but I know felt the point of the knife digging into my skin.

He wasn't cutting any skin, but his pained expression while holding such a smile told me he wanted to. Except he was stopping himself for some reason.

"Теперь, когда с тобой этот человек, у тебя появилось много чего сказать. Или это потому, что ты понимаешь, что я никогда тебя не полюблю?" (Now, when this human is with you, you have a lot to say. Or is it because you understand that I will never love you?) He hisses sharply into my face.

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