☠︎︎🩺 thirty

348 28 13


"Matches are sacred to a natural born vampire. There's only two of you: William and Aleksandr, the yin and the yang, the evil and the good." Bruce states, looking between the both of us. "A match to the natural vampire is the key to their success, to their best form. Not just for survival reasons, but because of what that match can offer them. The two of you, William and Aleksandr, you both were born without spirits. William claimed he was born knowing all, and that since he was the first, that he-."

"Who's to say he isn't lying?" I found myself interrupting, Bruce looking at me calmly. "He's...lied about everything else. Who's to say he didn't lie about who's who? He was the first natural vampire, no one can counter him because he was the only one for a few years. Then Aleksandr came along, he knew nothing. Everyone is just...listening to William, so he could've easily changed the narrative to suit his own."

Bruce leaned back in his chair, nodding slowly. I wasn't sure if he was actually listening now some I interrupted, but I hoped he was.

I was being completely honest here.

We found the author with the help of Morgan, but there's only so much he could do. I'm surprised he even remembered where he was, but because of him, we are getting somewhere.

"So far...all of his actions have stemmed from something impure and selfish. Yet, he's lying about who's truly good and who's bad, and it's inconsistent. That all of us humans, all that are left, are good somehow - when I don't see the proof. Not to mention he's told me now about his own match, and I've seen what his match has tried to do. He even said to me...that he doesn't want me to ruin him again and I, for some odd reason, recognize those words-."

"Reincarnation, perhaps?"

I look back at him, Bruce looking absolutely enthused as he points over to a shelf. Aleksandr was already there and pulled out a book, setting it right on his lap.

Except there was a pencil and paper with him too.

"William told me that matches can be reborn, but it's all on account of particular things. I don't know...if you were reincarnated, but-."

"How is that possible?" Aleksandr interrupts in a panic, beginning to chuckle nervously. "I don't remember...him back then at all. I don't remember...him. I just remember seeing him at that arena, and nothing else."

"William could've possibly been the one you were referencing..." Bruce mutters quietly, writing something down now.

I stood up quickly, Bruce looking up at me in amusement now. Except I wasn't amused, I was upset.

There's no way that I'm hearing that correctly.

"William spoke...of what in reference to me-."

"That if your match is killed by you, they will not be reborn; but if the match is killed by a different person - they get another chance. He explained that since his venom killed his match and he was the last one to bite him, he was lost to the reincarnation. He wasn't to be given another chance, but for another person's case, it was different.

"Since he killed - I'll add that he stated this was a hypothetical - the other match and the last person to bite him was him, not the matches match...he was given another chance. The match provided life and spirit, leaves you feeling alive. Truly alive...but they can pose a weakness to either of you - William and Aleksandr, depending on how your match thinks." Bruce continued to write, looking absolutely amazed.

Except I saw how angry Aleksandr began to become. I could almost see...lightbulbs going off in his head as his eyes would glance at me for a moment, just to flicker off of me just as quickly.

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