☠︎︎🩺 twenty three

438 32 10


"Now...tell me." I breathe heavily, looking right into William's eyes.

I saw him walk around me and to Jerome, crouching before him. The way his hand cradled his face and he looked right into his eyes. I could only imagine how much of him he was reading as his hand was on him for far too long.

Until his hand lifts off, his fingers completely void of any color.

"Jerome is genuine in his mindset, his wants, his heart is pure in his actions-."

"I'm not asking about Jerome, I'm asking about-!"

"Damon is selfish."

I flinch, looking at him as if I heard him incorrectly. His eyebrow rises in amusement to my expression right off the rip.

"Why do you look so surprised? You didn't think I'd say otherwise, did you?"

He can't think of me like how those people...back then did, right? He has to be different.

"How is he selfish? You're...lying to me."

"He wasn't always selfish. It's in their nature to be selfish sometimes. Especially when they are given a choice, choices come with many options. Those options can have them make selfish decisions, especially when there's someone who allows them to think that way." William grins at me, my head slowly shaking. "It's not what you think. He doesn't even realize it himself, and if he does, he will never admit it to you because of how you had everything set up. How you went about things, how you did things, how you treated the person he came to love purely in his heart - not that he knows that yet."

I found myself becoming frustrated, because I already knew he was talking about Elio. William came towards me though and smiled, shaking his head.

"He does want you, you know. That's the selfish part. Despite everything, he wants you. Not in the way he cares and likes Elio, but something else. He wasn't like that until he met you, because he then had options. If Elio never intervened, he wouldn't have become the way he is now. But if you had went about it the way you always did with your previous pets, he'd come to just hate you and would never want you. There's no win-win for you, not even now."

William began to chuckle, stepping back from me as he sat before Jerome. His hand caressing his forehead with much care, even taking Jerome's hand and pressing a kiss upon his knuckles.

"I guess you can thank Elio though," William teases, my eyes moving back onto his that were sparkling with amusement, "Since he intervened, Damon now knows true selfishness, because of the two of you giving him so many choices over your lives. He now knows what it feels like to have that power, like the power you wanted over human beings, he has that over the two of you."

My lips tighten together, completely and absolutely irritated by his words.

I also...didn't believe him entirely. He never full tells me the truth, it's always remnants to manipulate me. I know him well enough...

"What if I got rid of-?"

"Watch yourself Aleksandr." William chuckles, but his smile didn't reach his eyes. I could tell that he didn't like me saying that and I honestly didn't care. His smile slowly beginning to dissipate from his face. "You kill a human or a vampire, you're done-."

"I know." I hiss, looking away from him sharply as I look back down at Jerome, "What if Jerome dies and he doesn't change? You wanted me to do this, so you can't punish me-."

"Damon would hate you and possibly try to get revenge on you if he found out what you just did to his brother, knowing him. I know him more than you, and he barely spoke to me." William wiggles his fingers at me mockingly and I found him absolutely intolerable. "I don't need to do anything to you if that is the end result... You'd lose your mind because you know you'd never have him..."

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