Yandere Rejecting M16A1 & AK-12 X Former Commander Male Reader (Lemon)

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(Y/N is one of the commanders of G&K, and has a massive crush on both M16A1 & AK-12. Before the two T-Dolls went to their mission, he approaches them.)

Y/N: Wait

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Y/N: Wait.

M16A1: Hi, commander

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M16A1: Hi, commander. What's up?

Y/N: Well, I should have said it sooner... the truth is that... I love you, girls. More than friends.

 More than friends

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AK-12: Y/N... we're flattered, but...

M16A1: We just want to remain friends with you.

AK-12: That's why we must say...

M16A1/AK-12: We don't feel the same way.

(Y/N agrees with her terms while hiding his sadness. As they leave, Y/N feels heartbroken.)

Y/N: Am I not good enough for them?

(He cries in his room alone for a few minutes before he continues his career. As he resumes his career, Kryuger gives some bad news.)

Kryuger: I have a sad announcement to make... M16A1 and AK-12 have gone... missing.

(Everyone gets shocked by hearing the news, but nobody was more shocked than Y/N, who broke down in tears, blaming himself for not going with them.)

Y/N: It should've been me...

(Heartbroken, He resigned as the Commander and moved back to his hometown.)

Y/N: AK-12, M16... I'm so sorry... I wasn't there for you both.

(Unable to accept their rejection and the loss, He decided to create 2 clones of themselves and programmed them in their Neuron Cloud, making them think they were married and he was their husband.)

(One day, he was having a beach time with the clones.)

Clone AK-12: Time to have some fun in the seas

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Clone AK-12: Time to have some fun in the seas.

Clone AK-12: Time to have some fun in the seas

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Clone M16A1: Oh yeah.

Y/N: Let's go!

(As they spend time, Y/N was happy. Unbeknownst to them, the real ones are still alive and watching everything. Once Y/N got far from the clones, they enjoyed the opportunity to shoot them as they laugh maniacally, and then they wait for Y/N's arrival before knocking him out as they drag him away.)

M16A1/AK-12: We will soon make up for our mistake.


(Y/N wakes up as he realizes he is in a familiar room.)

Y/N: How did I get here?

????: Oh, you're awake.

(Y/N then sees two familiar figures, who are revealed to be alive.)

Y/N: AK-12? M16A1? Is that you?

AK-12: Hello.

M16A1: Feeling comfortable?

(Y/N gets confused until he realizes he got tied in the bed, and tries to break free.)

M16A1: Look, we regret having rejected you... we really do.

Y/N: So please, let me go. I'll do anything.

(The two T-Dolls turn to each other and smirk deviously before facing back at Y/N.)

AK-12: I guess we know a way to make up now.

(She grabs Y/N's face and makes out with him while, M16A1 licks the tip of his member, and then she sucks on his member, making him moan while being kissed by AK-12. M16A1 then lines up his member with her entrance, and shoves in as she starts moving. AK-12 then sits on his face, forcing him to lick her pussy while M16A1 keeps moving her hips as she goes faster, and Y/N gets close and cums inside of her. They keep raping him for days.)

(They eventually got pregnant and got 50 children. He had no choice but to love them, much to their happiness.)

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