Yandere Ex-Girlfriend Ladybug X Superior Spider-Man OC

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(Gray Parker is the son of Peter Parker and Silver Sable, and they moved to Paris, where Gray started having his adventures as a new Spider-Man. He also dated Marinette Dupain Cheng, also known as Ladybug, and everything went well until a certain liar ruined everything as Marinette broke up with Gray. Before leaving, he made sure to expose Lila's lies to the police, which led her to get arrested as the evidences spread worldwide. Marinette tried to find Gray to apologize to him, but he already left. Months later, Gray decided to take the cowl of Superior Spider-Man.)


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S. Spider-Man: It's time to show those pricks how superior I am!

(Gray devised several strategies to take down each villain or fake hero, and even saved a certain blonde cosplayer as they confessed their love to each other. One day, Gray and Marin are seen walking in the streets.)

Gray: Now I understand why my father hated Otto so much...

Marin: Come on, Gray. You have done great things for the people.

Gray: Hehe... thanks, Marin. I really- Ooff!

????: Ouch...

Gray: Hey, watch where you're going!

????: Come on, that was an accident!

Gray: (in mind) That voice... great, the last person I wanted to see is here.

(The female figure gets up and dusts herself, revealing to be Marinette as she sees the one she bumped into and gasps in shock.)

Marinette: Senpai?

(Gray crosses his arms and gives her a cold glare.)

Gray: Don't "senpai" me, Bitchbug!

Marinette: (offended) Hey!

Marin: You know her, darling?

Gray: (sighs) She's my ex-girlfriend...

(Marin gets shocked as Marinette approaches her.)

Marinette: And who are you to get yourself involved in our talk?

Marin: I'm Marin Kitagawa, Gray's new girlfriend.

(Marinette gets utterly shocked, and then Marin pulls Gray into a kiss, which shatters Marinette's heart.)

Marinette: (in mind) Senpai? Did you really...? It's not true, IT'S NOT TRUE!

(As Gray and Marin break the kiss, they walk away as Gray turns around and smirks deviously.)

Gray: See you never, inferior girl!

(These words and Gray's devious smirk became the last straw for Marinette.)

Marinette: (in mind) So you don't miss me anymore, eh? Mark my words, senpai! I'll make sure you love me again, even if I have to kill that slut who you're supposedly dating!

(Some moments later, Gray is seen helping Marin with some videos featuring her cosplay as Spider-Gwen.)

Marin: This cosplay is dedicated to my darling Gray Parker

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Marin: This cosplay is dedicated to my darling Gray Parker.

(Then there are various comments on her videos. Suddenly someone bursts their house's door open as a yo-yo wraps around Marin's neck.)

Gray: MARIN!

(She is pulled by someone, who is revealed to be Ladybug.)

Gray: (angry) You... LEAVE HER ALONE!


(Gray then clicks some buttons, and then some Spider-Bots come in to attack Ladybug, but she easily destroys them as she sees Gray trying to take Marin away, but she kicks him in the face, knocking him out.)

Marin: (worried) GRAY!


(She wraps her yo-yo around Marin before pulling her down.)

Ladybug: Well then... (raises her foot) GO TO HELL!

(She shoves her heels up Marin's throat, killing her, and then she rips off her head before kicking it like a football. After that she approaches Gray.)

Ladybug: Now I'm taking you back home... with me, as you belong to me!

(She then kisses the unconscious Gray on the lips before taking him back to Paris.)

Ladybug: I won't lose you ever again, senpai. I already killed Lila, Gabriel and Adrien for what they did to me. I will correct my mistake, and we'll be happily ever after.

(Marinette took Gray to her house, where she would "torture" him every day until he became a hollow shell of his former self. Gray is now a broken toy for Ladybug... forever.)

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