Y. Cheater H. I. 3rd Harem x Cheated Cpt. Turned Vigilante Ash-Greninja M. R.

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(Y/N used to be the captain of Hyperion, and dated several valkyries until he caught them straddling other guys' waists, much to his shock and anger.)

Kiana: Please, Y/N! It's not what it seems!


Mei: Y/N, please...

Y/N: Really!?

(They didn't say anything she just stood there looking down at the floor.)

Y/N: (coldly) I've made my decision. I hope you enjoy being single!

(With a heavy heart, Y/N strips off his captain's insignia and exits, leaving behind whispers and tearful pleas.)

(In the streets, Y/N walks with his FAMILY, laughing and unaware of the lurking danger. Suddenly, a villain emerges, attacking them. Y/N fights valiantly but is overpowered. His family falls victim to the chaos.)

Y/N: (desperate) No! This can't be happening!

(Y/N's grief triggers a transformation. His body morphs, and he becomes ASH-GRENINJA, a being of immense power. He swiftly defeats the villain.)

Ash-Greninja: (glares) You're finished, villain

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Ash-Greninja: (glares) You're finished, villain.

(Then the officers approach the villain.)

Officer: (glares at the villain) You're under arrest!

(As the villain is arrested, he tries to convince the officers that he saw a frog-like ninja, but they didn't buy it, and the villain got taken away. As for Y/N, he is seen overlooking the city at the top of a building.)

Ash-Greninja: (resolute) From this day forth, I will protect the innocent. This power... it's not a curse, but a responsibility.

(Y/N, now Ash-Greninja, is seen taking down several villains as he uses one of his moves.)

(The water shuriken slices the villains in half, but he already knows that his ex-girlfriends are chasing after him

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(The water shuriken slices the villains in half, but he already knows that his ex-girlfriends are chasing after him.)

Ash-Greninja: They may chase me, but my path is clear. I am the shield in the shadows, the guardian of the innocent.

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