Yandere Motherly and Insane Destroyer X Male Shy but Caring Reader (Lemon)

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(Destroyer, a formidable figure in the midst of chaos, shows a rare moment of tenderness as she tends to a small, abandoned garden.)

Destroyer: (softly to the plants) You're strong, aren't you? Surviving here against all odds

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Destroyer: (softly to the plants) You're strong, aren't you? Surviving here against all odds. Just like me...

(Y/N enters, hesitantly approaching the garden.)

Y/N: I... I've never seen you like this. You're always so... intense.

Destroyer: (turning, a manic glint in her eyes) Intensity is survival, dear Y/N. But even the strongest warriors need a moment of peace.

(Y/N shyly nods as Destroyer cups his cheek and kisses him while insanely grinding her right thigh on his crotch. Their moment is interrupted as footsteps are heard.)

Destroyer: Stay here.

(She then goes to fight and kill several rogue T-Dolls while laughing maniacally. Since there were too many T-Dolls, she barely made it alive.)

(Several moments later, in a makeshift shelter, Y/N tends to the Destroyer's wounds. The Destroyer is uncharacteristically quiet.)

Y/N: You don't have to put on a brave face. Not with me.

Destroyer: (chuckles) Brave face? This is nothing. But... thank you, Y/N. Your care... it's soothing.

(She strips and unbuckles his pants before gentilly pushing him as he rides him like crazy while creasing his balls, making him moan. She goes faster and faster.)

Y/N: I'm going to... cum...

Destroyer: Me too... I'm cumming too!

(Y/N cums, but Destroyer keeps riding him.)

Destroyer: I'm going crazy... I'm cumming again!

(They cum again, and then they cuddle on each other.)

(Hours later, in a serene night. Destroyer and Y/N sit atop a ruined building, looking at the stars.)

Destroyer: Do you think there's a place for us, beyond this war?

Y/N: (shyly) I hope so. A place where you can be just... you. Not the Destroyer, but the woman who loves life.

Destroyer: (leans in closer) And what about you, Y/N? Will you be there, in that peaceful place?

Y/N: (blushing) Always.

(They enjoy each other's company as they lived together forever.)

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