Another Dream

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"You don't believe that. I know you don't."
His voice echoes in my mind. I lost everything, and I'm about to lose it all again.
I looked up and watched him walk. Without doubt. Without hesitation. How? How does he do it? We've lost. How is he able to move without fear.
He prepares his stands. Ready to strike the horde of heartless coming our way.
No...No not again. Stop...STOP!!
He takes his finally breath. "AH!"

"RIKU!!" (Sora reaches out) The sound of the clock ticking breaks the silence in the apartment. I huffed. Again? I thought. These nightmares kept happening when I arrived here. Why am I getting these strange dreams? Other times I dreamed about the islands. A place I'm supposed to know. I shook my head and slap my face.

"Wake up, Sora." I looked around my apartment and then the rising sun. "Its time to head out..uh..but where am I going again?"

A knock on the door made me jumped. Who was it?


A girl's voice?

"Sora we're going to be late if you don't hurry."

"OH YEAH!! The Tournament!!" I quickly got up from the couch. Pushing aside these strange dreams. It's going to be a big day. And I'm not going to miss it!

Hi! I'm Sora! Its weird that I'm narrating but its not at all strange for me. I usually write them in my journal. Actually, I've written everything in my journal. Even though its practically empty. Its been two weeks now. Since I've arrived in Quadratum. I wasn't sure how I got here. My memories seemed to be in a huge mess too. At first I knew where I've come from. Who my friends are. What I was fighting for. But the first few days those memories started to slip away. Strelitzia. My friend. Gave me this journal and told me to write as much as I could so I can look back on it. But I couldn't recall the memories. Their lost to me. Then Strelitzia told me that I should at least write what I can remember and record what I'm been up too. And so I did.
All I could write was about the islands and other places I have been. I couldn't tell you the people I have met. Not even their faces. Thinking about aches.
But writing about my new adventure keeps me from feeling sad. Especially since I've made a new friend and met new people. Good and bad apparently. The guys in the black coats. I faced them two days ago. Strelitzia helped me fought them. Then he told me something I wasn't ready to hear...

"Where you come from. You may never see it again. It is forever out of your reach. That. Is your reality."

Since then...I couldn't think about going back now. Back...home. I fell to depression. Strelitzia knew how I felt...because she was told the same thing. She knew what my situation, but didn't have the heart to tell me. I forgave her of course. If I was in her shoes, I wouldn't have the heart to say it either.

When she arrived from Quadratum, she too was loosing her memories from before. She started to write in her own journal about what she can save. Time to time she'll look back at it. I like hearing her story. She reads them to me. Her first weeks. And her time after that. Then she starts reading about someone she never got the chance to speak with. I asked her if she liked this person. "I don't know. Maybe I did. Thinking about them makes me happy." She asked if I had someone I liked.
"I don't know. Maybe I did...but I couldn't tell you who they are. Or what they look like. But deep down. They could be from the islands."
"Your home?"
"Uh huh..."
"Sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"NO NO ITS FINE! Heh I think its best not knowing. If I kept those memories, then everyday would've been hard."
"Because you can't either go back home?"
"Yeah...I just...have to move forward."

I opened the door. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

She looked surprised to see me but smiled nonetheless. "Hehe any longer and I would've left. Did you oversleep again?"

I wanted to tell her about my dreams but I quickly brushed it off. I've already worried her too much since that day we fought the black coats. "Ha! Caught me! I was just excited about the tournament. Kinda lost some sleep."

"You know whose going to compete? I have a suspension you'll be rooting for him." Strelitzia giggled.

"What! No!" I quickly turn my face so she doesn't see me blushed. "Come one! We don't want to miss the train." I took her hand and we both ran to the elevator. I knew he's going to compete. He's the best of the best out their. And my only chance, to finally talk to him. Yozora.

Strelitzia and I talked non stop about the tournament. We've been thinking about looking for the best seats. Thats why we both decided to leave early so we wouldn't have to face the chaotic lines. If your wondering, yes she's like me. A weilder. Thats how we've met. She actually came to me and explain the situation. Apparently their were others like her but was quickly taken away by some men. She couldn't tell me who, but knew what fate lies with people like us. She found me first before they did. We also face some heartless together. She taught me some tricks. To keep me on my toes. And told me that the way to not get captured, is to blend in. Fight heartless from unseen eyes in the shadows, and be a normal teenager in the bright sun. I didn't know where I'll be without her. A real life saver.

"So~ have any ideas what to say to him?" She asked.
"Who? Oh. Not really. I'll just watch him." I scratched my cheek.
"And all that talk about wanting to see him fight. You sure your not going to talk to him?"
I've course I want to talk to him. I don't want her knowing that.
"Hmm Oh! Its him!" She pointed.
I quickly looked and was stun. It was a poster of him.
"Strelitzia!" I whined. She giggled and hide her mischievous face. She likes to tease me about this. Especially about Yozora. I met him once. He saved me. I wanted to thank him but he quickly ran off before I could. That was the regular accurance around here. When theirs trouble. He rushes in and quickly leave after the trouble is gone. When ever I caught up to him, he looked at me with his stern eyes. Like he's saying to back off. All I wanted was to thank him. He never let me get a chance. I'm not going to back off. Not after I talk to him. Not until I thank him.
"Maybe something else is driving you." Strelitzia said swaying side to side.
"Like what?" I asked.
He smiled. "Not telling."
Great. Now she won't tell me.

Now arriving at station xxx

"We're here!" I ran to the window and lokked at the statum. My eyes lit up. I remember the commercials about the epic tournament. And now the day is here. My heart was racing. I cletch my chest and relaxed. "Today. It has to be today."
"Hm" Strelitzia lean in.
"I won't hold back."
She smiled. "Yes."
I turned to her and smiled. "Come on!"

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