False Promises

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I woke up in a cold sweat. I was shaking. Breathing heavily. The nightmare felt so real. I looked at the window. The sun hasn't risen yet.

Usually, when I dream, I don't remember them. But this time I can. Why is this the only time I could.

It's much too early to be awake....but I don't want to fall asleep again. Not after that nightmare.

Who was that person in the final world? What did they mean I'll be tested?

"Tested for what?"

I got out of bed and got ready. I have to think about the positive right now. Today, I'll be meeting Yozora. Vixen told me not to, but I'm not going to break my promise.

I waited until the sun was halfway up the sky. I'm actually getting excited about meeting Yozora. I wonder what he is up to this morning. I wonder if the city will be on high alert since the heartless attack. Will he be busy?

Once I was ready to leave, Strelitzia was waiting for me in the hallway. She was leaning on the wall. She noticed me. She had a sad face. Like she knew where I was going.

"Are you going to stop me?" I asked her.

She shook her head. I was expecting an argument.

"Why?" I asked her again.

"I don't want you to have any regrets." She said, still looking down.  "Vixen said not to meet him. But knowing you. You'll go meet him anyway. Vixen will expect me to stop you. But I won't." She looked up, smiling at me. "Sora. Follow your heart. If your heart is leading you in a way you can't ignore, then keep following it. Don't let anyone tell you differently. Be brave. Don't have any regrets."

I couldn't help but smile warmly to her. "Strelitzia."

"But of course, I won't let you be alone. Since the city is still recovering from last night. It's best to be safe if we're together. And I can also root for you on the side lines."

"No." I said.

"Huh?" She said, confused.

"Strelitzia, I want you to meet him too. I want us all to be friends. Plus, having you as a company can help me not be weird." She laughed.

"You're already weird, Sora." She said.

"Hey!" I cried. She continued to laugh.

"Ok. Let's go then!" She said. I agreed with her and followed her out.

Yeah~ I don't think it was a good idea to go out. Let me explain my luck so far. In order.

We decided to walk to where I was supposed to meet Yozora. The trains were down. Streets were blocked by the depree. The city is still recovering from last night. The military was a surprise.

Theirs no way we can reach the plaza the usual way. So we have to take a long way. We headed for the city Square where mostly all the shops, restaurants, and café be open. With what had happened last night. It didn't stop this part of the city from shutting down. And it was super crowded.

I over hear people talking about the events. Also, I heard one of them trying to get a refund. I doubt they'll get any.

Strelitzia and I mostly avoid the city square. Not because it's crowded but because the Institute patrols often be around here. But I haven't seen them. Only the military. Did they take the day off, or are they preoccupied at the used to be stadium?

Strelitzia pointed at a food cart. "Let's take a break. Walking got me exhausted."

"Yeah! I got first pick!" I said excitedly. She laughed and ran after me. We both usually get the same things, so we both made a deal. Whoever gets to the cart first gets first pick.

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