Closed Heart

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We arrived at the capital. Yozora was still gripping my arm as we walked into the tall building. It looked like a cathedral. Or it was similar to one I might've seen before. We were met with two escorts once inside. Marching along the way to the elevator. On our way to meet the King, Yozora reassured me that taking me in was the only way to save me. I asked him if we could save the others. He had a plan for that. And that involves meeting with the King.

As we were ascending up, the two escorts remained standing on both sides. They made me nervous. Yozora taps my arm with his hand that was holding me. He wanted me to know I'm not alone. I became slightly less nervous.

Once we arrive at the top floor. Yozora marched me ahead. The two escorts followed suit behind us. It was a wide hallway. On my right was a huge window that expanded all the way down the hallway. Once we reached the middle, we turned to the left and faced two huge black doors. They looked remarkable. The design on the black doors had a sigil I've never seen before.

Their were two guards with long lances standing at each end of the door. I suppose we were waiting.

"Um. Why are we standing here?" I asked Yozora, facing forward.

"We're waiting." Yozora replied.

"I get can see that." I said. Yozora was motionless looking at the door. He felt like another person. Or more like, he's closing his heart.

"Well, well. Isn't this amusing." Said a man.

"Klovis." Yozora growled. He was a tall man with black hair that was slit back. He was wearing a white suit and a badge that was hanging on to his right chest pocket.

"Once I've heard you were tasked to bring in the two suspects, I was beginning to worry." He said. He stood next to Yozora, waiting with us. "And then you went silent for a whole day. Not even our people couldn't track your whereabouts. Then you just showed up out of nowhere and claimed to have your phone destroyed. Ha! What a laugh."

"Why are you here?" Yozora demanded, not taking his eyes away from the door.

Klovis smiled and tilt his head to look at me. "Just wanted to see him in person." I glared at him. He grinned.

The two guards at the door tapped their lances. The doors opened outward and revealed the room. That, too, was remarkable. It was a wide room. The floors reflected the ceiling designs. We marched in. On either side of the room had thick columns that reached the high ceiling. Getting closer, I noticed an older man sitting on his throne attached to a platform. He had dark gray hair. Wore black clothes. Had a silver chain like cape hanging on his right shoulder. He looked more like a high Knight. He even looked very intimidating.

A woman on the right side stood next to him. She wore glasses and was holding on a clipboard. We stopped in the middle. On our level, their were other men standing on the left side, gathering in to look at us. No. They were looking at me.

Yozora let go of my arm and walked forward. The two guards stood next to me on both sides, taking Yozora's place.

Yozora bowed. "Your Majesty. As ordered, I have brought the subject in question." He said. His voice echoed through the room. The old man stayed silent. The woman spoke.

"One of them, it would appear." She said. Yozora remains bowing.

"The other subject got away on my watch. No doubt they will appear eventually." Yozora said.

The old man lifted his hand. Yozora stopped bowing and stood up and walked to the side. Out of view. The guards pushed me forward, and we were about ten feet away from the king.

From where I was standing, I had a better view of the king. Our eyes meet. Of course, I didn't look away. He looked tired. A little thin. His eyes had a sad look. He had a cain to his left side of his throne, which happened to have an animal skull with horns at the tip.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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