✨️Another Place Another Time🌐

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Warning: spoilers
Bryan pov*
Dylan had stopped by with blank to talk about something,I don't even remember what it was exactly. I think it was about the plan to bring our dad back but,This resulted in an argument between the two of us, with Adrian trying to calm us down.

I guess my emotions got a little over, bord, and I got one of my headaches again. Though this one seemed more painful than the last ones, unfortunately. Everything from then is just a blur, but I'm pretty sure I almost fell over, and someone caught me who I believe was Adrian.

And of course, a portal appeared in the wall of my office. Once I was able to stand on my own, Dylan, Adrian, and i stared at it. "shit" I gronded in annoyance,cus now I'll have to head over to freddy Land.

"Uhm,guys?" Adrian said with me and Dylan looking over to see them getting dragged in the portal. Not only them but me and Dylan as well. We tried backing away, but with no use. "BLANK!" Dylan yelled almost their whole right arm involved in the portal.

But when blank ran in, it was too late, and we were all sucked in the last words said was from blank yelling, out Dylans name.

No pov*
The three woke up on the ground of what looked to be a nines style floor. You'd imagine someone walking down the red carpet on. "Ow," Adrian gronded,  getting up, their friends doing the same.

When looking around, they saw that the walls were all black,almost void like. There was one blue and white bed against one of the walls with a white desk at the foot of the bed. Over at the head bord was a toy chest with a few stuffed animals sticking out.

"What the?" Bryan asked, not speaking to anyone in particular. "I-isnt this," Dylan began. "Our old play room, in the Cat & Rat theater," Adrian finished. "Ya," Bryan agreed. "Is it just me, or do you guys feel shorter?"

Dylan asked, the other two looking over at him. "No,ya, and I think I know why you feel that way." Adrian answered, holding back a laugh. "What, what happened?" Dylan asked a bit more confused as he turned around to see the two.

"Y-your a little kid again," Bryan replied, also trying not to laugh. "Well, it looks like it wasn't just me," Dylan said, looking at the two. Both Bryan and Adrian looked down at themselves then at each other.

"Oh,fuck" Adrian said with a small laugh. "Hum, odd," Bryan answered before walking around the room, Not like there was much to see.

"What is it?" Dylan asked Bryan as he walked over to a specific wall. "I-i hear voices from the wall," Bryan answered, plasing an ear on the wall as the other two walked over doing the same. "Those are children." Adrian said, slightly frightened by this discovery.

"I wonder if," Dylan said before fazing through the wall, and with a loud thud, he was out of the room, and in the main building. Luckily, no one was around since cat & rat were puforming.

"Come on guys, whal no ones here." Dylan said as the other two walked out. "God, that felt odd," Bryan wisperd to himself. "So," Adrian began. "Where should we go?"

"Uhm, I'm not sure," Dylan answered. "Let's just walk around and try to find a way out," Bryan sighed, walking down the hall.

Before he had even gotten to the end, a flood of kids ran out from behind the corner. He quickly stumbled to the side, hitting his head against the wall as more kids ran. "What was that about!?" Bryan asked the other two, rubbing the back of his head.

"I don't know," Adrian answered, looking over at the kids who were still running away. "What time is it?" Dylan asked, looking around in an attempt to find a clock. Just then, the three heard heavy footsteps coming tords them.

"Come out, come out wherever you are," the voice called out, the voice sounding muffled. Almont like something was covering their mouth. Though the voice didn't sound threatening more playful if anything.

Then, steps out from behind the corner was the cat. Once it saw the three, it looked off its head to reveal a tall man with brown hair, mustache, and eyes. "Hay, kids!" He said," I didn't see you at the main stage. Where were you?"

"Uhm,w-we we're in our play room," Bryan stuttered out "Well I'm happy you three like it so much. Oh! And just to let you know, Vinnys puppet show is in a few minutes. Oh, who am I kidding, I know you'll all go, you haven't mist one once!" He laughed before putting the head back on.

"Well, see you kids later!" After that, he had walked off the same direction where the other kids had run off to.

"W-was that real, or am I dreaming?" Adrian asked, "OW!" They yelled after Dylan had pinched them. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?"

"You wanted to know if you were dreaming or not," Dylan said, shrugging. "So, should we go to that show or?" Bryan asked, obviously telling that they were getting off topic.

"I mean, you heard what he said. It would be out of character if just this once we didn't show up, " Dylan answered.

"True," both Bryan and Adrian said insinc, as Dylan led the way over.

Once they got over to the room, there were already about a dozen kids sitting on pillows as the show was about to begin. The three took the pillows closest to the doorway and waited.

Though Bryan wasn't the most thrilled being stuck watching some stupid puppet show, surprisingly, Dylan and Adrian were at least a little excited. The three of them haven't seen one of vinnys puppet shows in a long time, so it was exciting to be able to relive it.

Once the show had ended, all of the kids left to play whatever the next activity was, with the trio staying behind to talk with Vincent. It was a little hard to look at him, knowing what he would end up doing, but they managed.

When the place closed, it finally seemed more empty and less loud. The three were hanging around in one of the halls trying to figure out their game plan to get home. Cus whal they really wanted to stay and hang out with their dads they knew that they couldn't.

"I mean, do you still have your portal powers?" Dylan asked his brother. "Well, you don't have yours, so I don't think I would." Bryan answered.

"We might be able to -" Before Dylan could finish his sentence, Adrian spoke up. "TAG YOUR IT!" Adrian yelled their hand on Bryan's arm. He didn't even have time to process what had happened before Adrian and Dylan ran off before Bryan started to run after them.

They were playing tag for what felt like minutes, but it was more like hours. That was the first time Bryan had truly smiled in a long time. I guess their child aperinces weren't the only thing that changed.

Adrian, was it again chasing Bryan down the halls in circles laughing and occasionally bumping into tables and walls. Bryan managed to get out of sight from Adrian but still didn't stop running. He was looking back, trying to see if Adrian was still following him when BANG!

He stumbled back before falling to the ground unconscious. "Oh shit," someone said, kneeling down next to him. "Good job blank,you killed a kid," a tall dark blue cat said sarcasticly, standing behind blank.

"He's not dead" blank protested looking over his shoulder. "Bryan!" Adrian yelled, running over to them holding Dylans hand dragging him along. "W-WHAT HAPPENED!?" They yelled panicked.

"It's fine, just -" blank began. "He ran into blank and knocked himself unconscious." Davy sighed as blank, picked up Bryan's limp body. "Oh,ok," Dylan said, trying to hide the fact that he was worried.

Just then, both of the kids' dads ran over to see what had happened. "Is he -" Matthew/Bryan and Dylans father began before getting cut off. "Yes, he's fine," blank repeated, handing Bryan over to his dad.

"What happened?" Marcus asked as Adrian walked over to him, still holding little Dylan hand. "He ran into blank," Davy answered.

"Ya,that makes sense." Matthew laughed, still holding his unconscious son. "Guess we should take them home now?" Matthew asked his coworker. "Suppose so, come on you two, time to head home."

Matthew took Dylans hand from Adrian and started to walk over to the entrance. Both Dylan and Adrian shared worried glances at each other before he left with his dad and older brother.

But hay

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