⭐️An Funny Accident🌐

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No pov*
Bryan was walking over to his office to give inpu,Xylo, and magnus some snacks since they had been working on some project. "Love?" Bryan asked, opening the door, but no one was there. "Hm, I guess they left."

He said to himself before putting down the tray accidentally knocking something over. It had gotten all over his clothes and shoes, mostly staining them green. "Crap," he said, taking a step back.

He grabbed one of the napkins that was on the tray and was going to clean up the mess on the floor. Just then, he heard footsteps coming from behind him. He swung around to see the three of them walking over.

"Hay, sorry, I accidentally knocked over what you were working on." He said, getting up to look at the three, but their reactions were not what he expected.

Magnus was trying not to laugh, with Xylo and inpu staring at him like he was some extinct species. "What, What happened?" Bryan asked them, confused.

"Look down," magnus managed to say in-between breaths before collapsing in laughter. "O-oh," Bryan answered, shocked. "Am i?" He began. "A girl, yes, yes, you are," Xylo finished leaning against the wall, looking at the floor, trying not to look at Bryan.

"Hm, am I hot, at least?" Bryan asked, no longer in shock. "I-i don't think I can answer that without inpu trying to kill me." Xylo answered inpu, shooting him a death glare. "Oh,well, babe?" Bryan answered, walking over to his husband.

"Ya, is he inpy?" Magnus asked smugly from the floor. Once inpu looked back at Bryan, he looked him up and down. "Very" inpu answered his face now bright red, as Bryan smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek. When out of nowhere,  inpu was out like a light leaning against Bryan.

"LOVE!?" Bryan exclaimed, holding his husband, which made magnus laugh even harder.

The group had put inpu on his and Bryan's shared bed to rest when they talked.

"So,what happened to me?" Bryan asked. "Well, we were working on a potion that we didn't know the name of or what it did. And we left it alone for a minute before we tried it out, and we'll the rest is history, I guess." Magnus answered since they finally stopped laughing.

"So, it turned me into a girl?"

"Exactly, and may I say since inpu is out, you look fabulous," Xylo answered, blushing slightly. "Ya, I'm telling inpy you said that," magnus smiled as Xylos' face turned pale. "Dont,please," Xylo baged, not really whating to be murdered by a book.

"I don't know. It might just slip out." Magnus smirked, walking over to the bedroom where inpu was. "PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU DONT!" Xylo yelled, running after magnus. Bryan sighed and left the house and to camp to get help.


Bryan was walking around camp to find momiji or literally  anyone who could help get him back to normal. He was passing through the Asian Pantheon when he heard someone walking up behind him. He turned around to see one of the new campers that had arrived  at the start of the season.

"My, my, what do we have here?" The camper asked but was clearly talking to himself. "What?" Bryan asked him. "What's your name, beautiful?~" The camper flirted, taking Bryan's hand and kissing the back of it.

Bryan thought for a moment before deciding to fuck with this camper. "Brianna," he answered, swiping his hand back from the camper. "Well, that is just a loving name. My name is Lucas, and it's a pleasure to meet you~"

"Now, what is a beauty like you doing out here alone~" Lucas winked, looking at Bryan seductively.

"I'm just looking for a friend,"

"Well,do you need help with that?"

"No, I think I'm good,"

"But what if something happens? Wouldn't you need a big,strong man to help you?"

"Like I said before, I'm fine,and I never knew that my eyes were on my chest. Eyes up here, buddy."

"Well, you just have such beautiful features it's hard not to look."

"Before you say another word, I think I should warn you that I'm married."

"Well, he doesn't have to know,"

At this point, Bryan was wishing he hadn't played along, and he was getting mader and mader by the second.

"Can you please leave me alone now?" Bryan sighed, just wanting to find momiji. "Oh, but why we were having such a good time, sweet cheeks~"

"Excuse me, but what the fuck did you call me?" Bryan asked being a second away from smaking the shit out of him. "What don't like the name, fine, what if I called you mine?"

Before Bryan would do something, he might end up regretting he turned around and began to walk off. But quickly turned back around, and back hand smacked him after he had come up behind him and smacked Bryan's ass.

"OW, WHAT THE FUCK YOU HOE!" The camper yelled now on the floor holding his cheek in his hand. Just then, momiji ran over and stood next to Bryan. "What the hell is going on!?" She yelled. "THIS BITCH JUST SLAPPED ME!" Lucas yelled.

"Is this true?"

"Why yes, it is,"

"And what prompted this?"

"This perverted camper slapped my ass,"

"Well then. It was well deserved. Now you young man can run off now. "

"UH! YOU WOMAN ARE ALL THE SAME!" He yelled, but not before he ran into someone. "WATCH IT You, o-oh." he began but stopped himself before he could finish knowing who he had just run into.

One of the camp councilors, otherwise known as inpu. After inpu had scolded him, he sent the camper off to Xylos' office before walking over to Bryan and momiji. "Ok,before we begin talking, who are you?" Momiji asked Bryan.

"Momiji, it's me,bryan,"

"OH! Sorry I didn't recognize you. "

"It's fine,"

"How did this happen?"

"I knocked over a poison inpu, Xylo, and magnus were working on."

"Ya, I should have expected that much,"

"I was actually coming to see you."

"Oh,for what?"

"To help change me back,"

"Why not have inpu,magnus, or Xylo fix you?"

"Inpu was unconscious, and Xylo was begging magnus not to tell inpu something. Speaking of which did they tell you?"

"Ya,they did. And trust me when I say this, you might not be seeing Xylo for a few months."

"Well, that's not threatening at all," momiji joked. After a little longer of them talking, they headed back to Aphrodite manner and made the antidote for the poison. Changing Bryan back to normal.

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