✨️Another Place Another Time🌐p2

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No pov*
Once Dylan, Bryan, and Matthew got home, they were greeted by Valerie making dinner. The smell of it filled the room.

Matthew set Bryan down on the couch and went over to Valerie. When the two were talking, Dylan walked over to Bryan and started to shake him, trying to wake up.

Bryan's eyes flickered open before he sat up, looking around. "Look who's up," Matthew joked, walking over to them. "Where -" Bryan began but cut himself off. "Hay, dinner will be really soon. Why don't you two go wash up?"

Both Bryan and Dylan nodded and walked over to the bathroom. They tried to look like they knew where they were going but really had no clue ones or ever.

When they finally found the bathroom, Bryan pulled over the stepping stools for Dylan and him. "Man, i haven't had to use one of these in a while." Bryan said as he stepped up on top Dylan doing the same.

But even with the stool, Dylan still couldn't really reach over the counter, so Bryan picked him up and placed Dylan on top of the counter. "So, what happened?" Bryan asked, moving his hair out of his face.

"Aparenlly you ran into blank at full speed and knocked yourself unconscious." Dylan answered, sitting criss-cross on the counter, which honestly was really humiliating, to say the least.

"Oh,so that's how I got this," Bryan answered, pulling back some hair to reveal a giant browses on his forhead. In that short amount of time, it had already started to turn black and blue.

Once the two we're done, they headed back out to the kitchen to see dinner already on the table. Matthew bent over and picked up Dylan to help him in his seat that had a booster on it.

After dinner, the two walked over to their room and got ready for bed. Bryan was having a really hard time not burst out in laughter after everything that was happening. I mean, not only did Dylan need help to get to the sink, needing a booster seat, but now he couldn't contain it anymore.

He burst out in laughter as he looked at Dylan , who looked very unimused. "What are you wearing!?" Bryan managed to get out before laughing again. "Shut up. It's not that bad. Plus, I'm what, four or five."

The reason was simple. Matthew had picked out a onesie that looked like a cat with the hood having cat ears and everything.

Dylan rolled his eyes and walked over to the bed, slamming his head into the pillow.

It was now 11:47 p.m., the boys talking quietly as they waited. Then there was a fant bonk on the window. Bryan opened it and looked down to see Adrian standing there waving. Bryan got up and grabbed their old make ship rope and pulled them up.

Once they were in the room, Dylan quietly closed the window. "Hay guys," they wisperd, not wanting to wake up their parents. "Hay, what's up?" Bryan wisperd back, moving back a little so there was more room for them.

"I just wanted to make sure you were ok and to discuss our next move with getting back."

"Well, I'm fine, and about the getting back thing, I have no clue." Bryan answered. "Should we just wait it out?" Adrian asked, leaning back against the wall. "That's probably our best bet, or until we can find out if Bryan still has his powers or not," Dylan said before he heard something.

He looked up to see both Adrian and Bryan trying their best to hide their laughter. "You too!?" Dylan silently yelled at them. "Sorry, I can't help it." Adrian apologized, covering their mouth with their hand.

After an hour or two, Adrian had left, leaving the two boys alone again.

The next day was just as you would expect. The boys woke up and got breakfast. The two sat in front of the television watching a kid show their dad had put on for them. "Are you going to work today?" Dylan asked his dad.

"Yup, I'm assuming you two are coming with?" Matthew answered, looking over at his son's as they nodded in agreement.

They got dressed and left. There were about ten minutes until the place opened, so the kids headed into their playroom to plan their next move. Which was the same as always,act like nothing was out of the ordinary.

Like acting their ages, going to the shows, etc. Which wasn't that hard to do. Since they are in their kid bodies, they still have their old child minds like wanting to play with toys and such.

It had been about four days since they first got there and it was so fun that they didn't really want to leave as fast. Now, sure, they still wanted to go back and see their friends, but I mean, they can wait, right?

"Whacha doing?" Adrian asked Bryan since he was just looking at the playroom wall. "W-what day is it?" Bryan asked, not looking away from the wall. "Uhm, it is the-" Adrian was about to answer but froze before they could answer after they had picked up the newspaper.

"What,what day is it?" Dylan asked Adrian. "T-tomorrow is when the incident happens." Adrian stuttered out, almost crying. Just then, Matthew and Marcus walked in with something behind their backs. "We have a surprise for you three." Matthew said, smiling as happy as he could, not knowing his fate.

"You kids know about the new merchandise we are supposed to be receiving?" Marcus asked, with the kids nodding. "Well, the new shipment was full of defective plushys, well all except these three."

Just then, they pulled out three different plushys. One of the cat,rat, and vinny. Bryan got the cat, Dylan got vinny, and Adrian got the rat. The three got up and hugged their dads and thanked them.

Which brighten upped the day for a while at least.

The next day, the three were playing with their new toys, and when the rat or marcus called the kids together for hide and seek, which the three participated in. When the rat started to count, the kids started to run away to hide. The three snuck into the back room and hid.

Both Dylan and Bryan hid in the closet with Adrian hiding under the table that vinny the puppet was on. They waited like that for a moment till the door opened, and Marcus walked in.
(And this point might not be cannon, but it is from the original series, so that's what I'm going off of)

"I saw you kids run in here,I'm gonna find ya," Marcus called out toutingly. Just then, Vincent walked in in his face paint and costume. Bryan was peaking out through the cracks of the locker when he remembered about what day it was.

But he didn't have much time to react or warn anyone before Marcus was on the ground, bleeding violently out of his head stuck in that rat costume that would soon end up to be his internal prison.

Bryan looked down to see Adrian staring at their dads dying body. When his and Dylans dad walked in. "NO!" He thought to himself but couldn't manage to speak a single word before, just like Marcus, he was dead. Once Vincent left, the closet doors swong open, with Bryan and Dylan falling out.

Adrian crowded out from the table and  quickly went over to their dead dad, Bryan, and Dylan doing the same. The three felt as if they had been sitting there for hours waiting, hoping that at least one of them would start to breathe again, but nothing happened.

Before they knew it, a portal had formed in the middle of the room so that the door was blocked. The three looked at each other and then over to their dead dad and jumped in.

Once they got through, they landed in Dylans place. Otherwise known as candy's burger and fries. Dylan looked around to see candy,cindy,gre,sherbert, and blank standing in front of them. Blank ran over to aid them with the others quickly running off somewhere else.

Dylans hearing was even worse than it had been before, with every word sounding like they were under water. He looked around to see Bryan and Adrian were both unconscious with Bryan holding what looked to be the cat plush their dad had given him Pryor.

Now that he saw that, he looked down to see that he had the vinny plush and Adrian had the rat plush. Dylan had tears welling up in his eyes, knowing that he at least had something to remember their dad by.

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