Chapter 0 - Introduction

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Preface - Cycles

Immortality may initially seem like a blessing, but the mistake lies in creating a fear of death, of the unknown. After all, death is just as beneficial as life, which is why life is so prestigious. In this way, immortality is nothing more than a curse, an eternal suffering. To desire rest so much, but not be able to, fated to watch family members, friends, partners and loved ones perish. Just imagine how confused and complicated the mind of someone living in immortality would be, after years of living in that reality.

Introduction- The reality

What the Humans called the "Big Bang" was an explosion generated by their own ancestors, the Ancients (Elder Humans/Seers). Not content with dominating their own planet, they wanted more and more, they wanted control over the entire universe. Thus, all the current races, along with the 5 groups, came into being. Part of these Ancients, after creating the giant explosion, diverged so much from their original race that they became something separate, the Seers. The other part, unable to evolve, ended up regressing and losing their minds, forgetting the prosperity they had once. Isolating themselves on a planet called Earth, they regressed so much that they completely lost consciousness, only millennia later being able to develop technology and create a society again. At the time, the five groups were arguing among themselves about whether to reveal reality to humans or leave them in ignorance. Influenced by the Seers, the Humans ended up discovering the true reality, the existence of countless other races and civilizations besides them. Everything seemed fine, the groups had placed their trust in the current Human race, believing that they would not repeat the same mistakes. Fools. A few millennia after the revelation, the Humans were once again seized by their thirst for power, a part of the civilization began to develop powers of their own, becoming the so-called Mythical Humans, evolving so much that they became a race of their own. Meanwhile, the other Humans remained behind, without any magic. Manipulated by the Seers, they once again decided to take control of the entire universe. Other fools. They were quickly controlled by the union of the 5 groups, exterminated almost completely, reduced to an insignificant number, while the Seers were annihilated and the survivors exiled to planets, never to be seen again. Meanwhile, the prosperity of the Mythical Humans continued. Steady and strong:

That's the story of my universe, you know, it's cool. I like it. Stories where the heroes always beat the villains are my favorite. And it's very funny that this is the reality where I live! It's true that, because we come from Humans, we end up suffering some prejudice here and there, but at least the real baddies, the Humans and the Seers, have suffered the consequences! We currently live in a time called "After Humanity", just like when Humans were still a society on their own and were called "after" and "before Christ". I live on a planet populated by Mythical Humans, and of course I am one too. The problem is: this part of the story where we've become such prosperous creatures that we're something apart from the Humans is kind of just talks. "Why?" you ask me. Look...

I let out a sigh, closing my history book. I was in a coffee shop, sitting at a table right next to the window, outside you could see some flying cars, people flying, walking, talking, lots of tall, huge buildings, floating constructions, spaceships, flying buses, it looked like a vision from a movie of the future. Suddenly a commotion broke out:

Yeah, that's it, the explanation....

I ran out of the cafeteria, instantly changing my casual clothes into a sort of uniform, running in the direction of the commotion. It seemed to be some kind of robbery of a small store, I am able to find the thief in the crowd, I run towards him and apprehend him in a few moments. It doesn't take long for a man, wearing a uniform similar to mine, to come running towards me:

"Ah, thank God, Plumm! You saved the day again, huh?"

"It was nothing" - I giggle

The civilians around me soon cheer me on again, some even turn out to be my fans, trying to hand out cards and gifts. The man quickly interrupts them, stepping in front of me:

"You should take that thief to a more suitable place."

"Yeah, but with all these fans of yours here, it's difficult"

As I was going to say... all Mythical Humans have power, but what the story doesn't tell you is that... you have to activate your powers after going through some kind of remarkable experience. Some of the Humans aren't able to go through these experiences, or their powers are so weak that they're barely noticeable, often also being almost useless powers. After all, as we are not yet capable of magic like the other races, we only have an affinity for a specific, random type of magic. When you're born, it's like a lottery. It could be something useless like the ability to talk to red apples, or something insanely strong like controlling time. For the Humans blessed with "decent" magics, some of them are summoned to a special agency called Élenkos. You see, some use their magic for good, others for evil, plus there are naturally wicked creatures who visit our planet simply because we're weak. That's why an organization like Élenkos exists, designed to fight evil. Yeah, I love stories like that!

"Look at that, Plumm, you've done more work than me again..." - A new man arrives on the scene, laughing in a relaxed way. That thick voice and imposing air is something I'll never forget.

"Ah, Thanatos, it's you" - I smile, looking at the man in front of me

Black hair, red eyes that judge everything and everyone, incredibly tall and strong. This is none other than the strongest agent in Élenkos:

"Well, obviously I work harder than you" - I laugh - "After all..."

"'re the strongest agent of all" - he finishes the sentence for me

I stare at him for a moment, surprised that he predicted my words so easily:

"If you're surprised that I've finished your speech, maybe it's because you say it all the...

"ALL THE TIME?" - I finish his phrase too, and he stares at me for a while - "Anyway, that's enough chit-chat. What do we do with this bastard here?" - I grab the thief by the arm

"I'll take him to the agency" - The man who had arrived earlier says

"Do you need all this, didn't he just rob a jewelry store?" - Thanatos argues

"Well, he's actually been robbing several stores for a few months now. We were looking for him because he was possibly involved with a large criminal faction. Again, I have nothing but gratitude for you, Plumm!"

"Plumm catching a thief wanted for months by the agency, heh, nothing much to see here!" - Thanatos jokes

"You see, Thanatos. It's never good to underestimate your enemy. If I hadn't acted so quickly, this scumbag would still be out there stealing property from innocent civilians!" - I say, irritated

"Okay, okay, Miss Perfect!"

"Ahh, enough of that" - I get angrier

The other man leaves the scene, taking the criminal with him. Gradually, the crowd breaks up, as most of my fans have been startled by Thanatos' arrival:

"What were you doing, how did you get here so quickly?"

"I was having coffee in that café... AH! I even left my things there, just a sec!" - I ran back to the café, grabbed my belongings and paid for my coffee

"How dedicated... if it were me, interrupted on my break, I think I'd ignore it."

"Ahh, really?" - I look up with disappointment - "You're the strongest agent, how can you be so negligent???"

"Hmm, I think you're the one who's too dedicated."

"I'm just doing my job!"

My days are like that, saving several people every day, never getting hurt, and solving the problem in no time. That's why my teammate Thanatos often barely makes it to the scene in time. Of course, maybe it's because he also follows his own rules, doing as he pleases. In that case it's kind of annoying, someone as strong as him should use his powers for good, shouldn't he? Once again my face is advertised in every corner of the city, with various news, advertisements and announcements using me, saying how once again I've saved the day, how I'm the strongest agent on the rise, a heroine, prodigy, genius, perfect, ahhh~ sometimes it's tiring.

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