Chapter 3 - On action

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At first it was a bit strange and embarrassing to deal with all this. When I took my entrance test, no matter how extraordinary my results were, I was already considered stronger than many veteran agents, and some observations were made up:

"Miss Kali, however, keep two things in mind: strong people like you usually tend to underestimate their enemies too much. And that's something I've already noticed in your actions. You can't let your guard down, even if your enemy is a raccoon, and don't take your eyes off your opponent until you're sure he's under your complete control. You were smart to realize which of the monitors had the strongest power and go after him first, but if it were a real battle, he wouldn't be attacked by your vines and would stay put. You would easily be attacked by surprise by him while you were busy with some other enemy. Of course, we'll let that pass, as it's your first official battle, and you could still suffer a lot of polishing." - He was silent for a while, looking down at his clipboard - "Besides, your powers are pretty 'basic' if I dare say so. Normally, as agents have a maximum of 3 powers, and that's in VERY rare cases, their powers have unique properties and each one is infinitely different from the other. That's why we generalize them in simple names like cryokinesis, chronokinesis, but for each special agent they have unique names, whereas you... with your immensity of powers... are very average and don't seem to have any specificity. Of course, that's not a bad thing, after all, you have more than 10 abilities. That said, Emma, as her instructor, were you aware of all these abilities?"

Even though Emma was my supervisor, I never showed her any of my powers, and she never demanded it. I figured it wasn't necessary, because as someone who is demanding, if she didn't ask it of me, she probably didn't need it:

"I was aware of some, yes. Since I monitor her power, I was able to deduce that she did have more than one ability. Perhaps I underestimated Kali, because I never asked her to show off her techniques. However, I knew that she trained hidden from everyone, and I decided to respect her space. So, if anyone made a mistake in communication, it was me." - She said, with a serious expression, as always, but I could see her proud eyes

That line surprised me. Emma was the first person I saw after my parents died, the one who welcomed me most to Élenkos, as well as being my instructor. I obviously had a great deal of affection for her, but I was always afraid to show it because she was so demanding. But right in front of me, I could see her protecting me. I couldn't help but smile:

"Well done, Emma" - The monitor looked down at his clipboard - "Right, Miss Kali" - He stood up, taking something from his drawer - "Do you want to put this on her, Emma?" - He handed over an Élenkos insignia, probably made of gold, or something like that

Emma nodded slightly, taking the brooch carefully and placing it next to my chest. Then she looked at it with great pride. Ah, it reminded me of when my mother said goodbye to me on my first day at school. I wish she was here to see me. I'm sure she would have commented on my "rosy cheeks":

"Miss Kali, from now on you are an official agent of Élenkos, so your personal self must be separated from your agent self. Forget your name, your surname. You serve Élenkos now, and Élenkos serves our planet" - He hands me a fountain pen and his clipboard - "Please write down your agent name, then sign it. Then we'll officially accept you as one of us."

I was nervous, I'd been waiting a long time for this. What name should I put? It's a question that has crossed my mind a lot over the last year, and in the end I've never been able to answer it. Something crossed my mind when he handed me the clipboard, converging with my last thoughts. "Rosy cheeks" was something my parents used to say all the time. After all, as we had a peach tree in the garden at home, I was always eating them, in every possible way. Most of the time, I would climb up the tree and stay there, and I ended up getting a lot of sun, hence the nickname:

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