Chapter 6- Problems

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Dinner arrived, and I went to the cafeteria. Luckily, or unluckily for me, only Isis was there. Well, of course, Meilì will never speak to me again, Durga has a habit of being late, but... Sara is usually very on time. Anyway, I take my food and go to the table where Isis is. However, almost like a déjà vu, she seems nervous about something:

"Good evening, Isis!" - I sit down at the table - "Something happened?"

"Ah..." - My comment seems to make her even more nervous - "...Plumm, there are rumors going around that Adalia likes you..."


"Did you train together today?"


Yeah, I remember. In the afternoon, when I went to train, Adalia approached me and we trained together. We've never been so close, so that made me really happy:

"...ah..." - However, my response seems to have been terrible - "so it's true."

"But... are you sure she likes me?"

"Look... Plumm, there was that rumor, and now you're training together..."

"We didn't go out together, that rumor was a lie! And I only trained with her, it's no big deal!!!"

"Plumm... are you sure?" - Isis was visibly shaken

I decided to think, to try and remember, at what point could I have gone out with Adalia? AH! Wait! Yeah, I did go out with her, but we didn't go alone because we're not that intimate. It was with a large group of people:

"I went out... yes, with Adalia. But it wasn't just her! There were other people."

"Why didn't I ever know about it?"

"I don't know... it's been a while, I just forgot. People invite me to lots of things!"

"Ahh" - she leaned on the table - "Adalia really likes you, so..."

"Isis... I think you're being hasty."

"So Mei was right..." - She murmured

"Hello? No! I just went out with Adalia, it was no big deal!"

"Sorry, Plumm..." - She stood up - "I don't feel so well"

"Hey! Wait..." - I tried to call out to her, but she had already left the cafeteria - "What happened??? I didn't do anything..." - I sigh

Now I'd lost all appetite. What's been happening? First Mei, now Isis... I can see everyone's eyes on me, I can't do it. I'd better just eat in my room. I get up and leave, texting Durga that I've decided to have dinner in my dorm. I haven't spoken to either of them since, and I've fallen back into a cycle very similar to that of years gone by. I focused much more on studies and missions than my friends. In this case, I now only had Durga and Sara. I was happy enough with that, and I still took care of myself and enjoyed time alone. What bothered me most, however, was that having fewer friends opened up more opportunities for a certain someone to get close to me:

"You seem a bit depressed these days" - Thanatos said

It's inevitable, just hearing his voice makes me roll my eyes. It bothers me a bit, to tell the truth, Thanatos is the only person who genuinely annoys me. I feel bad for thinking these kinds of things and being so cruel to him. But, there's just nothing I can do about it. He annoys me too much:

"Do I?"

It's become routine that Thanatos follows me on most of the missions I've done. Maybe it's because I've been taking on more difficult missions recently, and, as they're difficult, it's expected to commission the two strongest agents. Yet, it sucks:

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