Chapter 7 - Unwanted

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"You should kill her"


"The evidence you brought is more than necessary to justify this. After all, wasn't the intention precisely to get closer to her to get information?

"Do you happen to disagree with that?"

The room was deliberately poorly lit, the people talking were sitting on ridiculously high chairs, to demonstrate superiority. Meanwhile, the only source of light, placed right in the middle of that "auditorium" was where I was. The entire layout of the room was designed to make whoever was there, in the middle, feel completely tiny:

"Until now I have followed exactly as you told me, why do you say that?"

"We've already repeated this, don't trust her. Her attitudes were already suspicious, if everything had gone as usual, she should have killed herself as soon as she received that information."

"If this wasn't already suspicious enough, with the information gathered, there are no more excuses. We cannot delay this any longer."

"If everyone agrees. So it's an order."

"You must kill Plumm."

"If she won't do it for good, we should force her."

I was silent, pondering what those idiots had just said:

"But isn't she stronger than me?"

Laughter echoed through that dark room, I felt like a clown. Idiots:

"You were given this job for a reason. No matter what happens, you are still the strongest agent."

Well, maybe you guys are avoiding naming her as the strongest because that would stop you from putting me on a leash. She is a monster. How many powers did she say she had, 20? She will destroy me.

"It's not that difficult, she's just a naive girl. Kill her quickly."

"Didn't you approach her because of that? She won't even suspect you."

How much they underestimate her will be what destroys them. I don't doubt that Plumm would be capable of killing them if she wanted to. She's just too heroic, honestly. Well, if so, it should also be easy:

"Right. I will do as requested."

"Do it as quickly as possible, the longer she stays here the more dangerous it is."




In the last few months, Thanatos and I have become very close. My past self would think this was the worst thing in the world, terrible. But he and I fit together much more than I could think. In fact, I thought we would hate each other forever. However, since my parents' death, he was the person I connected with the most. I don't know if it's because he and I also have dead relatives, but we just get along. In the end, getting closer to him didn't trigger any new memories, but at least I gained a new friend. Even if it's unofficial, we're almost teammates now. Who knows, maybe if I follow what my past lives did I might get some information:

"So, are you better?" - That voice, typical, impossible to forget

"Thanatos" - I turn towards him, smiling

"Good morning"

"Good morning!!!"

"So.. you didn't answer my question. You good?"

"Of course I am! I'm strong!"

He and I went for our daily walk. We have a habit of taking the same missions, because of that, we always go to them together, it's easier:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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