Chapter 2 - New life!!

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"Kali! That'll be her name, darling!"

"It's a great name, my love!"

"Our daughter seems to like it too!"

"Be careful, Kali! It's dangerous to play in the middle of the street!"

"Mom's proud of you! You're already fitting in with your new class, hm!"

"It's all right, my love. Daddy will always be by your side, look at it, it's just a little caterpillar!!!"

My parents gave me the best education I could think of, showering me with love and affection. I lived my life peacefully, as an only child. They spoiled me a lot, but that didn't stop me from being a disciplined girl with a strong sense of justice. I love them very much, and they love me too. I could live in this paradise forever. Waking up with a delicious coffee prepared by my mother, going to school, coming back with an even better lunch made by my father, I spend the rest of the afternoon studying and spending time with them. At weekends we would have lunch together, go out to places. I loved every second I spent with them. They were the ones who taught me to be someone who follows the rules and does things the right way, looking out for the good in everyone:

"Kali, ahh, look at you! Hahahahah, what are you doing, little girl?"

"Honey~ she loves peaches too much. Look at those rosy cheeks."

"I wanted to scold her for eating all the peaches, but it's impossible to get mad at her cute little face!"

I really love them. My parents. The best in the world. I'd like to take them everywhere, to live with me forever, to be by my side forever. They looked after me with everything they had, gave me the best education possible, invested so much in me, showered me with love:

"Kali, what a beautiful girl you've become!"

"Of course, my dear, she's looks like you!"

"What's that, my love? She looks like you~"

And they loved each other very much. And that's what made love so strong in our family, we were united. We never let go of each other's hand, united in sadness and happiness. Mom, Dad, I love you so much, I dedicate my whole life to you. You made me who I am, thank you. We'll be together forever, I'll be by your side and you'll be by mine. Isn't it...?

The flames reflected in my eyes, I was completely static, not knowing how to react. The crackling of the fire was the only sound I heard, but my ear was still repeating those screams of pain, of agony. Even more so, with that sight carved on my retina. The smell of burning filled my nostrils, which had once smelled the sweet scent of my mother's perfume, my father's shampoo, and the scent of the plants I loved so much to grow with my parents. All this right in front of my eyes. The memories, the remembrances, everything, EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING, was converted into flames in a few seconds. NOTHING was left. Not even my parents. Tears flowed incessantly, it was useless, I wasn't going to put out that fire with just that. Stop crying, stop, stop:

"Mom... Dad... I miss you..."

My parents were dead.




Even though I didn't want to wake up, I forced myself to open my eyes. The place is unfamiliar; looking around, I realize it's some kind of infirmary or hospital. I close my eyes. NO, NO, NO. I can't. The moment I close them that damn vision comes back, burned into my mind, it's still so real. I can almost hear the crackle of the flames, the smell of the fire, the screams of agony. My... parents... they're dead. I stare at the white ceiling, my mind empty. A few tears flow as I remember our good times:

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