Chapter 5 - Development

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So, after five months off work, it's Monday, and my vacation is over. Honestly, I have no regrets, I enjoyed my vacation as much as possible: I bought everything (and a bit more) for myself, took care of myself, discovered new hobbies, traveled, spent time with my friends, rested and, finally, visited my parents. In the meantime, it was also a great time to reflect on my ideals and attitudes. For example, I used to focus too much on my studies and ended up missing out on things that I was able to enjoy on this vacation. So I decided to take regular vacations and not force myself so much. In addition, trying to make my parents' death "fair", I dedicated myself even more to work, which may seem decent and kind, but basing your values simply on pleasing someone else is dangerous. After all, when I failed to do that, when I received that message from Thanatos, I immediately started blaming my parents. So I decided to change that. I do my job because I like it, because it's right, because I want to save people. But beyond all that, because being part of Élenkos is the only way to find out the truth about my past life, and thus avenge my parents. Yes, that was the biggest change in my life. Of course I'm not going to stop saving people, but I need to unravel these mysteries. Monday... normally people hate this day, but I'm excited! I'm not going to lie, I missed work a bit, hahah.

I look at myself in the mirror on top of my desk, checking my hairstyle and make-up. I go into the bathroom, where there's a bigger mirror, and fix my uniform. Once I'm satisfied with the result and appreciate my reflection for a while, I'm ready to go out. I usually have breakfast in my room, but this time I decided to go to the cafeteria - it had been a while since I'd eaten with my friends. On the way I met Durga, who was also on her way to the cafeteria:

"Durga! Good morning!!!" - I wave to her

"Good morning Plumm! I missed you." She holds out her arms for a hug.

Durga's hug is very strong, but I feel enveloped. It reminds me a bit of my father:

"So? Are you going to the cafeteria? That's rare!"

Meeting someone energetic was just what I needed this morning:

"Yes! I decided to go for breakfast with you, I missed you guys"

"Ah... yeah" - She seemed strangely bothered by something

When we got there, we looked for the table where the others were sitting and then went to get our breakfast. Finally sitting down at the table, I noticed a rather uncomfortable atmosphere. Sara, Isis, Durga and I were sitting at the table, but there was a plate that was almost finished, indicating that someone else was sitting there:

"Whose is it?" - I said, looking at the plate

"Ah, Meilì's" - Isis replied

Looking at the plate more closely, it was kind of obvious. After all, there was nothing of animal origin there. And besides, there was an eco bag on the chair, just like Meilì:

"She went to the bathroom" - Sara continued, finishing her coffee, obviously black

After this conversation, it wasn't long before the "subject" came up. And at that moment, it seemed that the dots had been connected. I understood what the atmosphere was about:

"No way." - Meilì said when she saw me

"Hi Mei! I missed you!" - I waved to her

She walked over to her bag and picked it up together with her plate:

"Are you REALLY going to have breakfast with her?" - She said, looking me up and down with disgust

"Is there a problem, Meilì?" - Durga looked annoyed

"HAH? How long are you going to play the fool?" - She replied rudely

"Guys... let's not fight, please!" - Isis tried to calm them down

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