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"I'll drink," Cassie holds a hand out, reaching for the tequila bottle that's passing around the circle. Holding her head back with her eyes closed, she pours the bitter liquid down her throat and then groans. "Ugh,"

Jason grabs the bottle from her hand. "That's enough drinking for you tonight." Cassie elbows him in the side of the stomach, begging for him to just let her have fun since there's only a hour left of her birthday.

Sighing deeply, I stand to my feet and say to the circle of classmates "I'm tired. I think I'm gonna hit the sack,"

"You're leaving already?" My best friend asks, sipping his can beer.

Yawning, I nod and then make eye contact with his girlfriend who's trying her best not to look at me right now after rejecting to kiss me. If only she knew I have no hard feelings about that. It's just a dumb game after all. "You guys have fun." They all booed me and tosses empty beer cans at me as I'm walking away from the circle.

"Issac! Wait!" Lola comes out the house after me as I'm unlocking my car door.

She carefully walks down the front porch steps in her heels. "You probably should call an Uber,"

"It's okay. I didn't have that much to drink, Lola." I assure her, climbing inside the front seat, putting the keys in the ignition. Silently, she stands in the front yard watching my car back out the driveway and into the street.

It seems like this weekend just flew by because it's already Monday fucking morning. Opening my locker, I tuck my skateboard inside and then zip open my backpack, grabbing two journals, a black binder and a pencil. I hear Cassie's friends behind me across the hall talking to one another as they both grab school supplies from their lockers.

After shoving my backpack inside my locker, I shut it and then walk over to them with a tired smile on my face. "Where's Cassie?" I ask one of them since the other girl is applying makeup on her face, staring back at herself through a tiny mirror pinned inside her locker.

Janet smiles at me and gives me a side hug. We haven't talked much since the party. "She's at home. Earlier, she texted me saying she wasn't feeling well,"

I make a small 'o' shape with my mouth and then nod. "Thanks. See you girls later." Nadia winks at me while Janet waves goodbye.

Rounding the corner I see my best friend standing against a wall, scrolling through his phone when I approach him with our handshake.

"What's up, Issac!" Jason tucks his phone inside a pocket then walks with me down the hall. "Fuck, I think Cassie's is gonna dump me, man."

I hope she does.

That's a messed up thing to think about but he doesn't deserve her. Besides, I liked her first.

I arch an eyebrow as we make our way inside the classroom and take a seat in the very back. "Why do you think that?" Stacking my materials on the desk, I sit down in the chair and glance at the whiteboard while Jason sits in the desk beside me.

He groans, setting his backpack down on the floor beside his feet. "Because, I heard her talking to Nadia yesterday while we were at the mall. She was on the phone while I went to the bathroom. When I came back I heard her say that she doesn't want to hurt me but she thinks it's the right thing to do. Whatever the hell that means."

I sigh deeply, slouching in the seat. "Look, Cassie loves you, bro. I doubt that's what she was talking about on the phone. Maybe they were talking about something else."

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