𝟎𝟕 look out for the little guy

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❛ Look Out for the Little Guy ❜

ㅤElla's eyes fluttered open after a long and fitful night

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ㅤElla's eyes fluttered open after a long and fitful night. She woke up in the middle of the night, for the umpteenth time, due to a nightmare and could barely fall back asleep afterwards. It was 2:37 am time when she first startled herself awake, managing to doze back off about thirty to forty minutes later. She was subsequently shaken awake by yet another nightmare at 4:25 am and drifted back into slumber, only to be roused earlier as was her regular routine. All this, not in the American time zone, but in the Russian one.

With a tired sigh, she turned her head to one side and noticed that both of her hands were cuffed to the bed that she was trying to rest on. A wide scan of her surroundings by her revealed a rather disturbing reality. Not only was she handcuffed, but so were the other girls that shared the same room as her. Yet unlike those girls, her cuffs prevented her from utilizing her superhuman abilities, in the event that she attempted to make her getaway with the utilization of them.

Soon, a woman with blonde hair curled into a back bun entered the space and began to remove the handcuffs one by one, until it was Ella's turn, who was in one of the first beds close to the door. However, when Ella's turn came and she was sitting on the bed, she said something, something that at first Ella didn't understand, as she had said it in Russian. She tilted her head to the side and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, and realizing that she didn't understand, the older woman repeated, this time in English and with a strong accent, "When the others leave, wait here, he wants to meet you."

Her repetition did not help much with understanding. Ella understood some words of Russian, but not completely. But as soon as the woman repeated what she had said previously, thousands of questions popped into her head. Who was he? Why did he want to meet her? Why did Strucker send her to that place, and what was that place?

"Ella?" She heard a voice calling, it sounded like a whisper, but it got louder as the familiar voice continued calling her. "Ella?" It called again, making her look everywhere for whoever might be saying her name.

"Ella!" Natasha's worried voice brought her out of her thoughts, Ella then directed her attention to the widow beside her.

"My head is in the clouds, apparently." She replied, finally fully conscious, having come out of her memory that felt so real as if she had actually revisited that part of her mind and entered that specific memory, although she was unaware of the continuation.

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐄, marvelWhere stories live. Discover now