The fox and the Snake

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Bea end up sleeping wile Curtis kept working on the clothes she needed. He wants to make it in a way that his mark will be at full display.

If Bea opens her eyes in this moment she will see the evil grin adorning his face.

   I like this skirt with this top, imagine is Curtis skin and is red

   When Curtis ended sewing, he placed the new clothes beside the sleeping Bea and went to fish not far from her.

   He still couldn't believe he had a mate and on top of that his mark is on her chest. He was afraid he was dreaming and will wake up in any moment

How lucky could be Him a feral, to mate with a whole female. It's not that no other females hadn't try to mate with him, but all they wanted was to use him.

    I wake up with the need to use the bathroom or sand pit in this case. I think is around 1 in the afternoon for the position of the sun.

   Now think Bea !! How can I go to the sand pit with Curtis around ? This is really awkward, I need to do number two and number one. I don't care about peeing in front of him, but number two is important and smelly !!  Lest try to sneak out . . . Um yeah I mentally pat my head in encouragement


« Where are you going little fox ? » is she trying to leave me ? Why ?? I did all she wanted me to ! I feel rage rising in me. Was she just using me too?

Hiss hiss 🐍

  I didn't get far  ah !

  « Curtis love I need to use the sand pit, could you wait for me ? » I feel guilty now.

Ah ?¿ So she wasn't trying to leave me ?

  « Bea it's dangerouss to go alone » I said calming down, I relieve she didn't notice.

   « But I really need tu use the sand pit. I have to make poop and it really makes me feel awkward if you are with me !! »

  « Umm you don't have to feel uncomfortable, but I do as you said if it makes you feel better » hum she looks happier. I pat her head, thinking that as long as she is happy, I can do anything she wants. Just don't ever think of leaving Bea. "

    « Also can you get me some water and a large stone bowl or maybe we can make a stone bucket , I'll use it to clean myself after going to the sand pit » I didn't even think of using leaves 🍃 I don't think it let me clean enough 😤

Tell me how deep do you want the stone bucket to be ? I'll make it for you. »  this stone seems big enough to work with

Well it has to be in this shape " I explain with my hands, wile he was working on a piece of stone " and this high is ok. A little deeper . . . hum yeah just like that !!!  »  wow . . . Curtis nails are really sharps. I pity his enemies ! "

« Love do you think we can use some strips of this fur to use as the bucket handle ?? It'll be easier to move it around. »

« Um. . . I think we have some old furs in the cave. Wait for me here l'll be quick »

I nod my head, but all I was thinking was that he said WE !! I'm not alone anymore mum. I have someone that care for me.

« Don't worry I won't move »

I was humming a little melody while waiting and practicing the control of my wild tail when a loud
Startled me !!

I just heard a big HISSSS from Curtis and it was all gone.
What was that ? Well never mind it's probably a fish.

« Wow you were fast love !! » a smile adorned my face

« Maybe I was worry that you would run away? » I say in a playful tone

« Haha why would I want to run away from you ? Are you insane haha »

Maybe I'm « I know you won't little mate. » yeah we are mates now, and my mark is one her chest. "

« Little one, do you want to tie the strip ? »

« Yesss love, let me do it !
I think we have finished our first bucket. » her voice fill of excitement

« You are great little one ! »

« I will call it the emergency bucket  » I say with a very proud expression 😌

« Curtis don't laugh at me » whining I throw a bunch of leaves at him

But he laughs even more !!!

And starts running when I try to hit him

How dare you to laugh at me !!     I Grin wickedly 😈and scream at him.
  Don't run Curtis ! I promise not to make too much damage »
     « Mate you are abusing me! You have your claws out and didn't even notice ! How do you expect me to believe you ?? »

« WHAT !  Wow . . . 😮

  Curtis look, my claws are pitch black like my hair!! 
  Ouch . . . they are sharp too » I must be the first female fox that cut herself with her own claws !!!

  Curtis rushes to her side, feelings of anxiety fill him.         

   «Careful Bea, come let me see » he is freaking out at the moment over a tiny scratch " let me lick it, it'll helps you to heal »

  « Well it helps my finger but no my little girl Love, you have to be conscious of your actions ! »

  a wave of surprise blocked his senses at what  he just heard " 
Curtis look amazed at me

« Ohh Little one, you only need to say if you need me. I will gladly comply » I said in a husky voice next to her ear.

And I just want to bury myself for thinking out loud again !! Me and my big mouth.

Fox Bea in the Beauty and the beast Where stories live. Discover now