The consequences of my act

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Warning +18

Winston didn't bother to answer with words.

He carried Bea placing his hands under her ass, squeezing it as he had imagined a thousand times this moment.

Walking towards the bed, Bea could feel his member banging back and forth against her ass, making her to release a small whimper.

Shivering in anticipation for what was going to happen.

Lying on her back with him towering over her, watching as if she were a treasure.

Felling a magnetic pull, a deep connection as if their souls were communicating in complete armory.

It was different, a new world for her to discover.

Winston paused and  exhaled a deep breath, caressing my face.He was nervous but didn't wanted to let it show.

I held his biceps in a gentle gesture to help him relax.

But found myself gasping at the feeling of his rough hands traveling through my body.

He was different of Curtis. Dominating me in a complete different way.

He savored me from head to toe with with mouth leaving traces of kisses all over my sensitive parts, lightning a spark of fire with in me.

"Don't be afraid my little love, I won't hurt you"

"I know that you won't"

I genuinely knew he wouldn't.

Gasping when his fingers touched my little girl preparing me for what was going to happen.

I couldn't help but moan louder and louder as he made me reach my climax and cum onto his hand.

My eyes watering at the moment he started sliding the head of his member into my little wet hole, stretching it to an incredible extent.

He did it slowly, painfully slowly making me feel giddy at the mixture of pleasure and pain, rolling up my hips and begging for more.

That's all I could think about.  I wanted more ...

End of the mature content


Waking up between my  two wonderful males, I feel complete. I haven't felt so happy since I was left alone in a world I felt out of place.

If this is how falling in love feels, I want to fall in love with them for the rest of my existence.

I don't know what life has prepare for us in the future, but no matter what happens I won't regret coming to this place and meeting them.

I'm hugging and scrubbing against Winston and Curtis, wanting to engrave their scents in my body.

I think it must be a foxy thing jj.

I feel sore down there and my stomach growling like crazy, waking up my mates.

Curstis arm hugged me from behind a little tighter as I hide my face in Winston chest feeling the warmth of his body.

"Are you hungry my little fox?"

"Just a little bit my love. I want those purples apples, please?" I'm craving like crazy those extrange fruits. I think that my period might be coming.

"I'm going to pick up some of those fruits for you Little Bea. Wait here for me okay?" Since I know this place better than Curtis, I was the one that had to left. I'm going to give them some time. Curtis have been off since this morning. He didn't say anything to me, not even a word or a sassy comment.'

Nodding my head in response because, I didn't thought that shyness will come visiting me. At least not after yesterday. Hearing my tiger's chuckle at the sight of my blushing cheeks. I shy out turning around facing Curtis, buring myself against him.

Who just laughed at me knowingly.

I could hear the rustle sounds as Winston dressed up, before heading out leaving me alone with my snake mate.

"We are moving out little one, I already bought the salt and other stuff you wanted and left them in our new hut."

This male is efficient !

"Curtis did you saw Winston's mark?"

"I did"

"Curtis ?" Is he unhappy? I thought he was the one that planned what happened yesterday.

"What is it little one?"

"Are you uncomfortable with this.?" I'm really looking at his eyes, searching for any kind of clue.

"Bea, it's not that. . . I just,
I didn't expect you to have him in your heart. 'He said placing a hand on my left chest'  not so soon."

I didn't know what to say, lowering my gaze to find that I have a really big white tiger on my left breast resting like a kitty. It's beautiful. And Winston deserves it, I can't help but to feel happiness.

Curtis was looking at his mate feeling conflicted. He knew from the beginning that he wasn't going to be her only mate, and felt special because of the position of his mate mark. But now,  now she has Winston in her heart too.

I look up to see Curtis lost expression, braking my heart in the process as I'm feeling his emotions.

"Curtis, I love you" I didn't know what else to do. I have never been involve with a male or had a boyfriend before.  " I love you. 'If have to say it a thousand times I'll do it.' always will be like that. You are unique, I do love Winston too. And I will love the both of you until my last breath."

Curtis ended crying, what really surprised me.

Taking me in a crashing hug that made it difficult to breathe.

I let him cry until he was ready to be my crazy snake mate with angry issues again.

When Winston came back we were again a happy family. His smile was breathtaking.

"Are you happy Dear? Because you made the happiest female fox. You both did"

"I'm more than happy Bea. What I felt upon seeing my mate mark on your beautiful body, is beyond words."
He didn't have to say more. I sat down on his lap laughing softly. Curtis tail was around my leg, and mine and Winston's were wagging crazily.

This is what I always wished, a happy big family.

I personally liked this chapter while writing it.

I felt more comfortable since I'm writing in my laptop now. 

Thanks goodness 🙏

Fox Bea in the Beauty and the beast Where stories live. Discover now