Everything was fine until this!!!

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I'm trying hard to remember the process and steps to make a clay oven. I really should have paid more attention to Tiana's lesson.

Maybe if I explain how it looks like, my Dear builder will be able to make it.

And that is what I did, but god!
How can I be so lucky to have this male. He understood my messy worlds and poor explanations like a champion. Bringing a prideful smile to my lips.

With nothing else to do, I went to seat outside and watch my tiger's muscles flexing as he worked. But just observing this Greek god makes my mouth go dry.

Shaking my head and pushing away my shameful and lustful thoughts before the smell of my arousal put me in a difficult situation with someone's monstrous member.

I try to think in something more useful for now.

"My Dear, do you know of any sweet herbs." I think I remember that this world has something similar to sugar cane.

"It's not herbs, but a sweet juice stick. Do you want me to pick up some of it for you?"

So he is talking about sugar cane!
"Oh my goodness Winston. I would love to have some of it for tomorrow. I know how to make sugar out of that sweet sticks my love."

"What is sugar." I never heard of it.

"Sugar is something you are going to love! 'And could make my life easier and maybe some bakery.'  It's something similar to the yellow sauce females likes. But sugar texture is different since it isn't liquid or sticky."

"What are you two talking about?"

"Ah"  When did he arrived??
He's carrying a big fat deer. I think he likes deer meat a little too much.

"Our little one wants to use sweet sticks to make sugar. She said that it's use is similar to the yellow sauce."

thinking that is time for my plans to be incorporated in this city. So we can get the support from the people who live here. And gain some respect for my mates in the process.
How dare those people to think that they are worthless, degrading my mates to unwanted males.

" Anyway guys, now that both of you are here. There is something else I wanted to talk about. You do remember what I said before of making improvements and developing the city?"

After hearing my words, both of them sat in front of me with a look of concern and interest.

"I want your opinions. You two know that I have some knowledge of simple stuff of my world, and I think that we can use it here to make the beast men and females life easier."

My guys went silent looking at each other's eyes. What are they doing? Is like they are communicating in their own language. I wish I could read minds at times like this .

"Little Bea, we understand that you are kind and want to help those beast men and females, but your security will be at risk. If we let them know of those things you could be in a dangerous position."

Hisss  "What he wants to say is that we need a way to explain how do we know of the things you want to show them."

"Ohh. Well there is were I wanted to get. I think that we can cooperate with the four kings for these matters.
If you can't with the enemy, you can always join him."

"That is too dangerous Bea. Especially the Ape King. I'm not sure about this."

'I know what he is worried about. If people perceive us the wrong way, it doesn't matter what ours intentions are.

But I promise to the beast god that I will use my knowledge to help his people.
Am I wrong with this?'

"Let her try Winston. We can use something simpler at first, and if someone try to make it difficult. . . I can always kill him." I don't want my beloved mate to be sad over this.

After a moment of silence which Winston used to thought of the benefits and the consequences, he decided to accept with a stoic face.

"I'll help you." There is no way I let this unpredictable snake to go alone. Who knows what he is capable of.

Oh my goodness, they are so understanding and supportive.

"I'll try to handle this things in the best way possible. But my loves, if you have to kill someone please do it in secret. We don't want a big target on our's backs."

Shit I can't believe I just said that.
I must said that I'm really adapting in this new world and his ways. We were talking about killing somebody like it was breakfast!

During our dining time, I realize how much we are lacking in ingredients. We are seasoning our food only with salt. I do not love spiciness like Qing Qing,  but I wouldn't mind adding different flavors to our meals.

"My loves, can we visit a healer tomorrow?" Maybe I can find something useful.

"Are you feeling sick little Bea??"


"We can bring a healer now. Don't worry my little fox. Winston, GO quickly and find a healer!!!"

What is happening??? Why are they freaking out. 

"Wait, wait Winston come back!!!" I said practically screaming.

I really had to face palm myself when I saw that he really went to find the healer. Curtis even took me to laid me on the BED!

I am really out of words. I found myself sighing and looking at the worried Curtis not knowing what to say.

For the beast god this is going to be so awkward.
What am I going to say to that healer??

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I'm happy to see that you are back.

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Fox Bea in the Beauty and the beast Where stories live. Discover now