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Walking inside after watching my hands I found Curtis. "We need to talk."

I frown at his voice "What is it?"

"Not here, come outside." I don't want to wake up Bea.

Both sat down by the river after checking that no one else was around listening.

"Curtis what did you felt today." I wanted to be sure I didn't make a mistake. But deep down I was hoping I made it.

"Are you stupid? Don't you already know." Helpless, angry and insecure of everything. But how can I voice that out laud.

"You are the stupid one. Just tell me if you felt your emotions magnified as if they weren't supposed to be getting out of control."

"But only foxes can do that. Are you saying that it was Bea, it's rare for a female to have that kind of ability. Almost impossible."

"No, it wasn't her. Even if she was, it couldn't be that powerful. I not sure but I think I smelled a male fox during the fight this morning."

Now I understand what he's trying to imply "It can't be a coincidence for that spider to appear today, am I right?"

"Curtis, what are the common colors of foxes?"

"Red and . . . WHITE! Hissss it was a trap. They played with us all the time and we followed blindly."

"Exactly, Curtis I wasn't able to pay attention in the morning. But the smell of this fox was too similar to the scent of the beast man I found out of your territory and in the hunting grounds of Camel Hum Valley." I feel so stupid, how could I pass something so evident.

"That scheming male, since he couldn't take Bea from us..."

"He needed to make sure she leaves our side to have a perfect opportunity." I don't know how to deal with an enemy that kept hiding and messing with my life from the shadows like a coward. What we did today was one of the reasons a female wouldn't doubt in cutting a mate's mark.

"Curtis, we need to get rid of him. We can't keep going on like this." Or I'm going to be the one they will be calling a feral.

The red snake words never came out. But the madness in his ruby eyes after knowing that he had hurt his mate feelings by being manipulated, bringing to the surface what he achieved to hide from her so desperately was going to have consequences. Now it all made sense to him, insecurity was not something he should've been feeling because of that spider. He is going to skin alive that fox.


"Winston, stay beside Bea and don't leave her alone no matter what. I going to hunt a fox, a white one."

Winston nodded his head without expression before sighing. He wasn't sure if Curtis would be able to track and deal with that male by himself.

The night was quiet and the time seemed slowing down for the white tiger seated outside his mate bedroom no daring to be anywhere farther from her. Curtis came back when the sun started to rise, and as Winston expected he lost the trace of the male fox. The only clue they have is that all the traces disappeared near of the ape's territory.

"We only have his scent, Curtis. And we weren't able to see his face, as far as I know he can be standing in front of us I we wouldn't notice."

"Do you think I haven't thought of that. I too tire of going around in circles."

Frustration was rising in the air as they were unable to go into the apes' territory without providing any reasonable excuse. After all, how can you accuse someone with no proves.

Fox Bea in the Beauty and the beast Where stories live. Discover now