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Bea and Curtis ended engrossing in a very long conversation that lasted for hours.

Curtis told Bea everything about him since he was a little snake and that he has a brother. When she asked about the others, he said that he and Caleb killed all of them.

She wasn't surprise at all.
But she didn't knew that Curtis had a living breathing brother!

It all wet awkward when he started talking of his previous experiences with females.

How he rescued the siren named Qin, how she promised to be his female if he helped her to escape, to how she rejected him saying that he was nothing more than a nasty unwanted feral.

Bea got jealous because she never had any interest in the other sex !!

But this daring snake was trying to get a female.

How dare he ? ??

She didn't care if she was being childish or not.
The only thing she knew was that this kind of information made her feel truly uncomfortable and jealousy.

This psychopath was only hers !!

Curtis said that the only reason he told her about it was because he didn't want to have secrets between them. And that he wasn't really interested in that female.

She was the one that proposed herself to be his female. He was being aggrieved !

He said that she was too arrogant for his liking and was going to leave her once she was safe.

« Anyway Curtis you are not allowed to talk about her anymore ! »

« Hahaha don't worry little one, I don't intend to give my attention to anyone but you. »

« Hum » She knew it.
But it was funny to see how he was trying to please and bribe her with those cherries and berries and others fruits.

« Aren't you hungry little one ? Look I brought your favorites. I think you called  strawberry to this and, was it blueberry this one ? »

I was really struggling with these names, but now I'm hoping this will help me calm down a very fierce little fox.

« You know I can't refuse to this kind of bribery !

Thank you my love. »

Curtis breathed in relief knowing that she is not angry anymore. He should go and find more of those fruits in case he needs it to pacify her.

He nodded to himself at his brilliant idea.

«Little one will you like to continue our way to Camel Hum Village now or tomorrow ? »

« If we can camp here I don't see any reason to refuse. It's going to get dark pretty soon anyway.»

« This place is far from ferals territories. It shouldn't be too dangerous. »

« Hum ok then ! »
Bea was looking around with a curious face looking for something.

« love do we have any river or lake near by ? I want to go to the sand pit but I reallyyyy need to use the emergency bucket. »

Fox Bea in the Beauty and the beast Where stories live. Discover now