wanted and unwanted visitors

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~~thanks a lot for your votes I appreciate them all glad you like this story. hope u like this chapter~~ ❤️❤️

I was nice and cozy trying to get a couple more minutes of sleep our bed was so warm I didn't really want to get out of it. I curled in more to the soft comforter but I faintly heard Mason like he was in the room I heard little noises but last time I check which was a few hours ago he was in his room where I laid him.

"umm.. babe" moments later I heard Dylan next to me, I rolled over opening my eyes seeing Dylan with Mason laying on his stomach on Dylan's chest this one sight I'd love to wake up to every morning. looked down Mason was trying to suck on Dylan shirt which made me giggle.

"morning" I said my voice very scratchy

"morning, sorry to wake you just I believe someone is hungry" Dylan said as Mason let out a small whimper I sat up taking Mason

"come on bud daddy boobs aren't as great as mine" I said adjusting my shirt as Mason immediately latched on

"if it wasn't for the fact that statement was true I'd be hurt" Dylan said I tried hard to laugh so I wasn't inturpting my little man who was looking up at me I ran my free hand across his dark brown hair

"how long you two been up?" I asked

"not long just I missed him the time apart so I went grabbed him laid him down been in here for an hour" he said

"never heard you leave" I said as I kept running my hand through Mason's hair

"you were like a rock I'm surprise you manage to get up during the night for Mason" he said

"I am too cause I know how I sleep" I said Mason detached himself I fix my shirt looking for the burp towel I had here a few hours ago.

"I got it" Dylan said holding the towel up "can I do it?" he asked

"Of course" I handed Mason over once Dylan put the burp cloth over shoulder along with Mason lightly patting his back I sat there watching them.


"nothing you two look so cute my two boys" I leaned over leaving a chaste kiss on Dylan's lips before getting out of bed I went over changing into shorts, sports bra and t-shirt grabbed my running shoes.

"where are you going?" he asked bringing Mason to lay on the bed in between his legs

"for a run be back"

"don't get lost" he said

"try not too" I went over kissed him then kiss Mason on top of his head grabbing my cell and headphones and key to the house I made my way out.


After my run coming back taking a shower Dylan made breakfast for me and him ate together right after Mason began to cry I went up to his room picking him up brought him over to the rocking chair I pulled my phone out I put on some old Kenny Chesney playing the song 'somewhere wih you' nice a low rocking away Mason quiet down never closing his eyes just kept looking a me calmer now.

"you just waned mommy didn't you" I cooed playing another song we sat there by my third song Dylan walked in.

"everything okay?" he asked leaning in the doorway

"yeah he's fine, he really likes Kenny Chesney" I said

"converting the boy already" he joked


"well there is someone down stairs for you" he said smiling I had no idea who would be coming to see me, it couldn't my brother we were meeting up with him later in the evening he insisted he had to see me immediately.I placed Mason in his crib grabbing the baby monitor we went down stairs walking to the kitchen there was Posey I got so excited.

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