Good opportunity

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After hours of audition I think I did pretty well I ended up having dinner with Holland she's pretty funny we talked about movies and music, animals we ended up exchanging numbers. The whole experience was pretty nerve racking but I went in there acted like myself read some lines without my accent of course I've gotten pretty good at hiding my whole southern hospitality real well. Now I was home in the apartment hanging in my nice cozy room that was plastered in singers mostly country a few inspirational quotes up the wall I was painting my nails  listening to some Jason Aldean.

"I'm just chillin' on a back road laid back swerving like I'm George jones, some pouring through the window an ice cold beer sitting in the console" I was singing till I heard the door open

"Hey" my brother called out

"Hey is for the horses" I called back as he walked into my room plopped next to me

"So had it go?" he asked

"Good I guess so many people felt like a chicken on a farm.... I made a new friend though" I said

"Look at you go, people actually like you" he joked

"Peeps love me alright" I walked out and over to the kitchen

"So you think you'll get it?? " Aiden asked

"Who knows now I'm going to eat this ice cream and if Rachel calls cause she's got a six sense for when I'm eating this tell her I'm ..... In the shower" I said walking back into my room

~~~~one week later~~~

I was currently holded my room wrapped in my covers having myself a Harry Potter marathon because who can resist watching these movies no matter how many times you've seen them. I was about my fourth movie in when I heard my phone ring.

"Cowboy take me away,Fly this girl as high as you can into the wild blue Set me free oh I pray" yeah my ringtone is an old dixie chick song so what, I began to lift the covers looking for the dang thing finally I got it picking it up

"hello Jeanie here" I said

"Hi Jeanie my name is Jeff Davis is was calling you personally to tell you that you got the part on the show Teen Wolf" he spoke for a moment I couldn't breathe I was so shocked.

I had almost dropped the phone "F-for real this is amazing" i said pulling the covers away from me

"yeah well congrats now someone will be sending you the script we actually will be filming in Atlanta georgia but right now we're asking the cast to be there next week monday we can all get together you'll meet the rest of the cast sound good" he said

"heck yeah thanks so much" I said super fast but I couldn't help it I was super excited I didn't think I was acting material but someone did.

"pleasures mine look forward to seeing you then your agent should be in contact to let you know everything"

"thanks ya'll take now" I hung up the phone immediately ran straight into Aiden's room he was doing homework on his bed I didn't care i sat on them jumping on the bed

"Jeanie what the heck" he yelled

"I got that part I'm going to be an actress" I squealed

"Jeanie thats awesome see what I told you... people actually do like you" he joked I punched in the arm not that hard though

"here's the thing it's in atlanta.... I leave on monday" feeling sad now thinking about that I had to leave my brother behind we've been living together since I got out of high school I would miss him as a roommate.

"your moving to Atlanta?" he sounded sad asking

"I guess so..." I said looking down at my lap feeling sad realizing I would have to leave my brother he's always been there even though he's twenty-three I'm almost nine-teen we've always been close never fought like normal brothers and sisters do though my little sister that's a different story.

"hey it will be okay, will talk everyday.... like before when you were still out home when I first moved out here okay?" he said making me look at him

"what if they don't like me? the other cast members? or Jeff? what if I get out there and choke" I said doubting myself

"that ain't gonna happen number 1) I haven't meet a single person that doesn't like you 2) Jeff wouldn't had hired you if he didn't like your audition and 3) quite worrying so much you'll do get great so shut that worry down before you get grey hairs" Aiden said I just leaned forward hugging him so tight

"thanks Aiden" I muffled into his shoulder

"yeah yeah I know now go I need to finish this report" he scooted me off his papers I left his room went back to room I laid down thinking about everything that just happened it will be fine I'll be fine....i hope I just kept thinking about what my mother said to me it's a new chapter in life i need to give it a try that's what I'll do.

~~~~~sunday night~~~~~~

over packing, it's what I do best I know it's just for two weeks right now but you never know what you might need it's the reason why I am currently having difficulties closing my suitcase. I finally got it closed I dropped it to the floor of my room throwing my Carolina Panthers throw blanket on top, I never go anywhere without that blanket it's the perfect travel size plus my favorite team my mother got for me when I was sixteen. I flopped back on bed texting Holland who was going to be on the show I was ecstatic when she told me that meant I knew at least one person when I went out there plus we decided to share a hotel room.

"see you finally got it closed" I heard my brother's voice I lifted my head seeing him at the doorway of my room

"yeah that thing is more stuff then a turkey on thanksgiving" I said

"so you got everything.... airline ticket, hotel info, your script, wallet, Panthers blanket" he asked

"yes big brother I have all my things info I'm meeting Holland there promise to call or text when I land" I told him

"just be careful okay... no boys at least not right away" he said more as a demand no my brother isn't the overprotective type but he does play the responsible brother down packed always checking on me making sure I'm doing the right thing.

"bro chill I'm still getting over Charlie, not ready to jump back out there" I said then began to think about my ex boyfriend. See Charlie was actually Aiden's friend first I went him when I was sixteen and came to visit Aiden I thought he was cute kind of shy so we talked for awhile even when I left to go back home when I graduated and moved in with Aiden, Charlie and I took a step forward and began dating it lasted almost two years I found out he was cheating on me with his co-worker who apparently he always flirted with even before we ever dated so that's the story on him.

"I just don't want you to wind up with another a-hole" Aiden said

"yes I know I won't promise... now go I need my beauty sleep" I told him shoving him out the room I went to bed thinking about how my new life was going to be.

~~~~~~at the hotel~~~~

It was a little hard saying goodbye to my brother beside the fact that he trapped me in a bear hug I thought I wasn't going to get out of but I did and managed to survive the long flight ride most the time I sat there at thought about how people would react to me if they'd hate what were they going to be like all these things and more bouncing around in my head most the flight I was so nervous. I texted Aiden the moment I landed when I got to the hotel I opened the door to the room seeing another suitcase I guess Holland got here first she's probably at the building already. I put my stuff down looking at my self in the mirror one last time straightening out my floral skirt fixing my pink tank top a little I brushed my hair a little pulling it back deciding to let my natural curls fall I grabbed my purse and headed out to meet everyone else.

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