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Jeanie's POV

On the floor of my parents home watching my son walk around the living room floor pick up a tennis and attempting to throw it he was pretty content and I laughed when he walked up to me squealed when he threw the ball it hit Dylan who was lounged out on the couch and as it bounced off him and rolled Shiloh went chased after to just to bring it back to my son so he could throw it again.

we were leaving tomorrow for Italy and I couldn't be more excited, Dylan actually arranged everything told me it's all a surprise and to just relax but I mean who can when they are taking a big trip.

"there's my grandson" my mother screeched before picking him hold squeezing the life out of him though he didn't seem to mind. She was still in her lab coat on with her name on the front walking in the door after being at work all day.

"miss you so much.. you know such a shame Izzy didn't come" my mom pouted we had gotten in earlier this morning since she had to work my dad pick the three of us up as for Izzy, she was still in California she staying with Aiden while were gone.

"you have to give her more time mom" I said

The truth; Izzy felt uncomfortable coming back home I talked to her a few days ago just to see if she changed her mind but she told me it felt to soon she wasn't ready to see any of her old friends classmates which I respected.

"gosh I'm going to have to really get a house out there" my mother said in such a dramatic as she held on to Mason.

"I wouldn't mind, daddy already has a cooperate office out in California" I said leaning my back again the couch Dylan dropped his arm around my shoulders

"believe me I've been pushing it" she said bouncing Mason a bit before leaving the room with the dogs following her lead.

"Ready for tomorrow?" Dylan asked me

"Super excited I won't sleep I know that" I admitted

"Well you shouldn't it's gonna be a long ass flight sleep on the plane"

"As long as you don't annoy me" I said he gasped sat up from the couch

"What me?"

"Dylan you can be horrible on a plane I sometimes think about giving you sleeping pills" I said

"Ouch girlfriend you hurt my feelings"

"ouch she only says the truth" I said now sitting beside Dylan on the couch I  wrapped my arms around his waist.

"but she loves me" he smirked looking down at me

"as been reprogramed to love you" I teased

"okay I've had enough" he grunted I laughed pulling out my phone I wasn't paying Dylan any mind before surprising me by lifting me off the couch and over his shoulder I yelled his name but of course he didn't listen he just I could tell we were headed toward the den I thought my mom would be in here with my son but only my dad sitting in his recliner watching the tv I guess she took him into the kitchen.

"dad what are you watching?" I asked as Dylan put me back on my feet

"the conjuring" he replied in a matter of fact tone

"why?" Dylan asked chuckling a bit as I sat down on the love seat with my boyfriend following my actions putting his feet in my lap

"I'm not sure" was my dad's reply as he kept looking at the movie shrugging my shoulders I just joined in because why not we weren't going to sleep anyway.


At this point it surely didn't feel like 11 in the morning after spending all night watching horror movie with Dylan and my dad it felt more like three am. Our flight was at 12:30 the crazy thing is that when we get there it will be about a little past eleven in the morning. My mom took us to the airport considering my dad was knocked out but so was Mason. We didn't want to have him at the airport then have the possibility of him freaking out as Dylan and I leave I wouldn't be able to get on the plane if I heard him crying out for me, though I am going to miss him tremendously my mother kept repeating that it will all be fine don't worry enjoy my trip you get this opportunity take it, which she is right it was always a wonder to me what be like to go to Italy adventure it not only do I get to go I'm going with my incredible boyfriend that I'm happy to go with.

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