I still do

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~Dylan's POV~

Laying there in bed I was looking over a Jeanie curled up on her side on the bed but facing me her perfect plump lips partly open as little snores escaped out of them her hair shattered across the pillow she looked so peaceful as on arm was by her head the other securely around her stomach I couldn't help but stare in awe looking at her stomach still couldn't believe we were having a child. It was still crazy and a little hard at times to wrap my mind around part of me was happy another part of me was scared and worried. I was worried about Jeanie and I's relationship... well our non-existent relationship. I'm still crazy about in love her I've tried my best these past weeks to respect her space and been there to support her rare times I would hold her hand or stealthily put my arm around her, we do sleep in the same bed but that's because she doesn't want to sleep alone which I have no complaints about because truth I can't sleep without her by my side anyway she puts me as ease.

These past few weeks us acting like friends the little touches here and there are alright progress right? but I'm always gonna want more... to hold her touch her... kiss her the things I use to do. I respecting her space not wanting a relationship but this is killing me not sure how much more I can take.

I decided to get up out of bed now knowing I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep with my mind running I went over to the kitchen grabbing the honey nut Cheerios out of the cabinet with the milk and bowl I sat at the counter eating my breakfast in the quiet house. after about ten minutes Jeanie appeared in the kitchen hair still everywhere she didn't look to be fully awake yet she kind of squinted her eyes as she dragged her feet.

"Morning" I said said she grunted of course that made me smile Jeanie always has never been a fan of morning or atleast when she was awake before she would endure it with a smile like it didn't faze her but since she got pregnant these morning she's been a cranky grouch but it was too cute the reason why I smile.

"what are you doing up?" I asked

"I'm not sure myself but I felt you get up so I got up" she said looking in the cabinets

"sorry I got hungry" I said

"no need for apologies" she said it was quiet I heard the cabinet shut I looked back over at Jeanie her face the color drained before I can even open my mouth to ask anything she covered her mouth and ran to the bathroom I followed in tow as she perched over the toilet throwing up, this was the part I hated everyday knowing I couldn't really do anything to help her when she got sick really made me feel bad so I did the only thing I could do what I've been doing pulling her hair back rubbing her back as she threw up. Once she was done she slowly got up I handed her toothbrush she thanked me before brushing her teeth.

"dumb question but I'll ask anyway, you okay?" I asked as she put her brush back pulling her hair back out her face still looking so drained.

"a tad bit just takes out so much energy" she said walking out passed me and back to the kitchen I followed seeing her turning on the tea kettle grabbing a pop tart

"I could do that for you or make you something" I suggested

"no I got it" she said

"really I could-"

"Dylan I got it" she said calmly being stubborn not all the time would she let me help her being independent she walked out the room toward the living room I sat ate another bowl of cereal I got up when I heard the tea kettle go off but Jeanie didn't return so I just poured her a mug grabbed the earl gray out of the cabinet mixing what she likes I walked over to the living room only to see her sleep on the couch I chuckled grabbing her blanket draping it over her.

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