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RM at 11PM:- 

Arnav entered in without making noise, purposefully he came late so he can avoid khushi kumari guptha. He walked in without turning on lights but stopped seeing khushi sleeping on couch in living hall. He went near her. He stood there observing her features closely.

"How can she look same as my KHUSH. Just that her nose pin and long silky hair are different" Arnav thought noticing her features. He saw movement in her and thought to leave. 

"Who are you?" Came her melodic sleepy voice when he turned to leave. He turned towards her without moving.

"You?" She exclaimed. 

"Why are you sleeping here?" He asked in ASR tone composing himself. His mind is continuously  screaming that she is not HIS khushi. 

"That i gave new medicines to madam, it may cause some reaction. What if she needs me? So i am waiting here." She clarified. He nodded head and proceeded to move.

"Sir, You had dinner?" She asked out of curtesy.

"No" He said as he cant lie looking at KHUSHI face.

"Ok sir, I will heat your food if you dont mind." She said politely. 

"Thats not needed. Its not your work" He said not harshly.

"Its fine, your family is taking care of me so nicely. Please let me return that favor, atleast little bit of it" She said keeping puppy face. More over she wants to know the reason behind his tears in morning. He nodded head and went to his room to fresh up.

"Khushi, you are again going to stuck in problem. Mark my words" Her brain warned her. But her curiosity took best of her. She waited for him on dining hall. He came there in 10 minutes.

"I will serve myself" He said after settling down. She didnt argued. 

"Will my mom get cured in 3 months?" He asked her.

"She will get cured but it will take time sir. Not in 3 months but around a year." She said. Arnav sighed sadly.

"What happened sir?" She questioned him.

"Nothing. You can call me by my name, Arnav. No formalities in home" He said.

"You are my boss technically" She said.

"You are not just doing job. Its service." He said making her proud. 

"Where are you from?" He asked as he want to know more about her. Mainly the reason between his KHUSHI and her features. Will it be coincidence or any relation?

"I work in Health hospital from where madam getting treatment" She answered confused, he rolled eyes at her reply.

"That i heard in morning. I am asking about your family" He clarified. She frowned why they are so interested knowing about her personals.

"I am from CARE orphanage, my parents left me there when i was 2 days born." She answered him. For some reason she didnt mind to sharing it with him.

"Who named you?" He asked again.

"They left a chit writing my name." She answered. Arnav thought for a while as far as he know Garima and shashi loves their children to moon. They are not cruel to leave one of their child as orphan. Will she be their relative? But his brain is saying its pure coincidence. He shrugged off deciding it as coincidence and completed his dinner. After a long time he ate to fullest, even he didnt noticed it. 

"Can i ask you something?" She said hesitantly ignoring warning of her brain.


"Why did you react like that in morning?" She asked unsure. 

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