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"We are happy that their horoscopes are matching perfectly. We have a family pandith, i will be satisfied if he says the same. He will be coming here, just two minutes" Said the Rockstar making lavanya shock, arnav-khushi's trio jump in happiness.

"But Sasuma, whats the need?" Rathna asked confused. Yes the rockstar is our dear Devayani Dadi. 

"How arnavji?" Khushi questioned him.

"After what you told yesterday, i got doubt on lavanya. I went to dadi and asked her to invite another pandithji to match horoscopes." Arnav replied in low tone.

"Aww arnavji, So cool" She said with happiness, he too smiled seeing her joy.

"See the way pandith looking at lavanya, with this we can confirm she bribed him. So she somehow wants to marry me, that mean we can suspect her in Khushi murder" He said in low tone ignoring everyone looks on them.

"Hmm" Khushi said composed but she wants to dance in joy. Arnav himself is travelling towards truth. She took two steps back.

"Di your husband is soo intelligent" KKG praised making KS smile.

"Be careful khushi" KS warned her. They heard door bell sound.

"Hp, Please bring pandithji inside." Devayani dadi said.

"Ji dadiji" He said and walked away.

"This is insult for me, I was never insulted before. I am leaving from here." Saying pandith went, in a clear way escaped. Lavanya stomped her feet. Pandith who came on Devayani invitation checked their horoscopes and suggested not to get them married.

"Pandithji, cant we do anything?" Mohini questioned him worried.

"No. We cant change anything written by god." Pandithji said.

"But Arnav will get married soon" He said looking at his horoscope. 

"What?" Everyone exclaimed including arnav.

"Yes, he will get a good wife and they will live long happily" Pandithji said making everyone happy.

"Whom will he marry?" Rathna questioned him.

"I cant say more than this." Saying pandithji left leaving raizada's in happiness.

 "Arnav you are no less than my son. I want good for both you and lavanya. It will be good if we wont proceed with this alliance" Shashi said, garima also supported him.

"You are right bhai, Lets wait and see what devimayya stored for us" Rathna said being happy that his son will get marry soon. She is relieved with pandithji's assurance. Arnav left to his room.

"Lets hope for best" Said mohini.

"Khushi" Garima called Khushi who was about to leave. She stopped hearing her. Garima walked towards her and touched her cheek.

"Khushi i know you are not my daughter but i cant control my emotions infront of you. I feel like we have some unknown relation. Can i hug you once?" Garima asked with choked tone making everyone sad. Khushi nodded head awkwardly. Garima hugged her tight and cried. 

"Thank you khushi." Garima said breaking hug and forwarded a chain towards khushi.

"This chain i brought for my khushi but before i give her, she left this world. I will be happy if you wore it" Garima said.

"Yes beta, we will see our khushi in you" Shashi added, he too want to hug khushi but he dont want her to feel awkward. 

"Take it beta" Devayani dadi said. KKG looked at KS who nodded head in approval. 

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