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Story continuous from the same evening when arnav & Khushi confirmed KS murder. 

Both Khushi's are sitting in living hall thinking deeply about murderer. 

"How can we find them?" KS asked her.

"Forgot about me, i am a human but you are a devil i mean SOUL right? You should know everything happened" KKG said her logic.

"Means?" KS questioned confused.

"Means, in movies they will show na. Once D..Soul started speaking with human, it will show flashback to them?" KKG explained.

"This is not a movie" KS reasoned. 

"That means all that false? I wont watch movies again." KKG said with pout.

"Such a baby you are khushi" KS said with smile.

"Ok, lets do one thing. Start observing everyone, i mean everyone. Even family too. Till we find out who is behind this we need to be careful" KKG said.

"I dont have to be careful but YOU" KS stressed.

"Why ME?" 

"There is a chance that they can assume you as ME. They might think i survived in accident" KS explained.

"Didnt they saw your last rites? How will they think you are alive?" KKG questioned.

"Everything is possible for HUMAN brain" KS said. KKG nodded head.

After a few minutes everyone came back. Khushi took Rathna to her room and did her daily tests. She made her rest and came back to living hall.

"Come Khushi lets have tea" Shyam said with smile. KKG saw KS sitting on empty sofa and she took place beside her. 

"Everyone in Sinha's were talking about you. They asked us to bring you along next time" Dadi said with smile. Khushi just smiled in return and gave observing looks towards everyone. 

"Relax KKG, no need to be detective. I trust my family" KS whispered.

"Let me do my duty" KKG said a bit loud.

"What happened beta?" Chachi questioned her.

"Nothing aunty, i am just saying i am here on duty and will leave once aunty becomes healthy" KKG covered it up, everyone became gloomy.

"You became a family for us, you should visit us often" Aravind said with smile.

"Thank you uncle" KKG replied.

"Does your KHUSHI also be like you guys? Like all good and polite?" KKG questioned them. 

"No, she is the purest soul we have ever seen." Anjali said.

"Yes, She came as arnav wife but became daughter to us" Chachi said. Everyone became emotional remembering her. 

"They all seems to be so fond of her. Their emotions are not fake. I can sense it" KKG thought. 

They saw arnav coming in, he stopped at them and looked at khushi.

"Khushi can you please bring me a cup of coffee?" Arnav asked, khushi glanced at everyone. 

"Go beta" Dadi said. Khushi went to kitchen and prepared coffee for him. She went to his room and handed it to him.

"You want to talk to me arnavji?" KKG questioned looking at him, KS too joined them.

"Yes, I actually spoke with detective. His first doubt came on Shyam" Arnav said. KS nodded head in no.

"Its easy to doubt him arnavji but i think he is genuine. He is an orphan and he got a sister inform of Khushiji, why will he kill her? If its for money, his target will be you or akashji. Just for a doubt if its about lust, he should have misbehaved with her once, by looks atleast." KKG said analyzing. KS nodded head in NO.

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