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Story continuous from KKG second day in RM.

Arnav went for jog passing smile to khushi who whished him good morning. Khushi felt some vibe like she is being observed by someone. 

Soul too confirmed that KKG can feel her presence. She wondered on how its possible.

"Khushi beta, lets go" Dadi said with smile. Khushi looked at her.

"Will go and read Bhagavad Gita for sometime" Dadi said, khushi smiled brightly.

"You seems to be excited" Dadi questioned her.

"Yes dadi, I love to read Bhagavad Gita" Khushi said. 

"You seems to be different from others. Many people will think it as imaginary novel" Dadi said.

"Its not imaginary. Its our History(Ithihas). And it will teach us how to live our life." Khushi said.

"You are right. In our days, 99 out of 100 will trust god thats why only one or two crimes used to happen. Now 99 out of 100 are questioning about god existence. Thats why so many crimes are happening" Dadi said with sad face.

"Its not about god presence or absence, its all about trust. We should trust *God is there to punish us if we do wrong, we should live honestly.*" Dadi explained.

"Dadi i will believe god and devils also" Khushi said.

"You are really amazing" Dadi praised her. 

Khushi went to rathna once she woke up, she checked her pulse and BP, Sugar levels. Seems new medicine is working good on her. Khushi went to her room.

Breakfast table:- 

Everyone are there except khushi. Everyone are eager to be with her and know about her.

"I am excited to be friend of KKG, though she is not my Bhabi i will feel like i am with her" Akash said making them emotional. After all he loves his Bhabi, she is his savior whenever he does mistake.

"Hp, Go and call Khushi" Dadi said. Hp went from there. Other side, khushi wontedly didnt came down for breakfast. Though they are treating her nicely, she want to keep her distance. 

"Khushi Bha.., i mean khushiji. Maji is calling you" Informed HP, without any option khushi came down.

"Beta, come take you seat. We will have breakfast. We have lots of work for pooja" Dadi said, everyone are amazed at their new bonding.

"Khushi, yesterday i was busy with shopping. You are good here or do you need anything?" Anjali asked her.

"Everything good mam" Khushi said with small smile.

"Khushi leave all this mam, sir in your hospital. You can call us with our name." Anjali ordered. 

"But how can i?" She asked bewildered. How can she call them with names.

"Do one thing khushi, consider me as your brother and call everyone with that relation accordingly" Shyam suggested. Khushi sinha was his only sister and he miss her.

"Thats great idea. You can call me Akash. We are at same age" Akash suggested. 

"Ok" She agreed. Neither arnav spoke with khushi nor she. 

"Everyone come home by 3, pooja will start by 4. I mean it, everyone" Devayani ordered. 

"That means sasuma, we ladies also can go out and come back by 3?" Chachi joked.

"Mano, Nice joke" Chacha said sarcastically. Men left to their work. Khushi spent most of her day with Rathna as everyone are busy with preparations. 

At 2:30:- 

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