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Story continuous from KS reveling about lavanya to KKG.

"Its lavanya, one of my murderer" KS uttered. 

"How do you know di?" KKG questioned her.


KS followed lavanya in hope of consoling her. They reached sinha's mansion and Lavanya went directly to her room. She locked her room and removed khushi picture from cupboard.

"Even after dying you are not letting me live in peace" Lavanya shouted making KS thunder shock.

"You snatched everything form me, Our parents love, attention, care. Everyone used to praise you, no one cared about me. You dont know before you saw arnav, i saw him. I loved him but our parents fixed your marriage with him. When you both were fighting at start of your marriage, i felt so happy that you are crying. But he changed, he started loving you. You both were so much in love. I hated it, thats why i killed you." Lavanya uttered with mad glint in her eyes.

"YES, i killed you. It took 3 years for me to seed our(arnav & lavanya) marriage thoughts in everyone's brain. But Arnav is still mourning on you, he is not even glancing at me." 

"Adding to all that Your FACE had to return back, who is that Khushi Kumari Guptha? Why arnav is giving attention to her? That pandith said we(Arnav & Lavanya) cant get married but he dont know, i can do anything to get ARNAV."

"If that new KHUSHI come's into my path, i wont mind killing her too" Lavanya swore angrily.

"You heartless women, i will kill you" Saying KS tried to hit lavanya but there is no effect from her.

"Remember my words lavanya, You will never get MY Arnav. I will save him and Khushi. I know how to protect them" Saying KS left from there.

Flashback ends..........

"How can she kill her own sister di?" KKG questioned shocked.

"Jealous, selfishness khushi. I never know she loved Arnavji, if she had told me before i would have never came in between. And my parents never showed any difference between us. They loved us equally." KS explained.

"I know di, i trust you. We cant leave that heartless women to roam freely. She should answer to arnavji's tears, your tears and everyone tears" KKG said with anger and tears.

"Will you tell him truth?" KS asked.

"No he may not trust us without proof." KKG reasoned.

"Say him about me, You can able to see me then he will believe you" KS said.

"No di. There is a high chance that he wont believe & also it is risk to you. We cant let anyone know about your soul. First we need to stop his marriage, we will go with lavanya plan only. We will seed doubts in his brain about her." Said KKG.

"Whats the plan?" KS questioned. KKG explained.

Same day evening after everyone slept, KKG & KS went to arnav room to start their plan. KKG knocked on door and got in after hearing his voice. 

"What brought you here khushi?" Arnav questioned concentrating on his laptop.

"Your husband dont have the courtesy of wishing?" KKG murmured in KS ears.

"Concentrate khushi" KS warned her.

"I just came like that arnavji, i was getting bored actually and i am tired of doing self-talk" KKG blabbered. He smiled a little.

"Sit" He said pointing couch.


"Actually i am tired of sitting without work and i started watching movies. Last time i worked as caretaker to an old lady, they made me do household works also. Here no work" She said with pout.

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