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Story continuous from two Khushi's talks.

"Di, now you can able to smack me" KKG said making KS smack her lightly. They laughed heartily.

"Can i hug you once?" KKG asked in chocked voice making KS emotional. KS hugged her tightly without wasting any time.

"You are the first one ever to hug me like this" KKG said with tears.

"Arnavji hugged you twice, forgot?" KS asked in teasing.

"Di, you cant tease me with jijaji's name. Its my right" KKG said with pout.

"Acha, will see" KS said with confident smirk.

"Do you think lavanya did this?" KKG asked her.

"We cant ignore our instincts khushi." KS said. 

"If my guess was right, she will do something to get married to arnavji." KKG said in deep thoughts, next second her phone rung with akash name on it. She answered it.

"Akashji, tell me" She said but got shocked hearing his words. She disconnected call immediately.

"What happened khushi?" KS questioned her. 

"Lavanya consumed poison" KKG answered.

"What?" KS questioned in same shock.

"Why do i think she is acting ?" KKG said looking at KS. KS understood her thoughts. 

"Of course, she is not a person who will die but kills." KS answered with pure anger. 

"Di please, dont be angry atleast infront of me. I am scared of angry ghosts" KKG said to lighten up which earned a glare and hit from KS.

"Ouch, why are you hitting me? Are you not a ghost?" KKG questioned with pout.

"Are you afraid of me?" KS questioned, KKG nodded head in no.

"See, you are also a ghost thats why you are not afraid of me" KS teased. They totally forgot about lavanya till arnav knocked on khushi's door.

"Di, hide somewhere. Someone came" KKG said in worry tone.

"Crazy, i am not visible to anyone. You just hide your craziness" KS answered making her pout. Khushi answered arnav on third knock.

"Khushi, lavanya is in hospital" Arnav said worried a bit.

"Just got to know from akashji." KKG replied.

"Shall we go there? Everyone started already" Arnav asked her.

"No arnavji, lets wait for their call. We need to know her motive. By the way which hospital?" She questioned. 

"Health hospital" He answered.

"Good thing for us" Saying khushi called her friend preetho. 

"Preetho, Anyone admitted named lavanya sinha for poison case?" Khushi asked her.

"Dont ask me about her yaar, she didnt even consumed poison. She bribed that idiot Pranith Rao(doctor), he is doing overacting like she is going to die in minutes." Preetho vented out which made trio shocked. 

"You seems to be irritated?" Khushi questioned her.

"Or what? Her family is very much worried, here she is sleeping happily. That girl is not having an ounce of shame, she dont deserve their love. People like us know, how it felt to have someone who will cry for us." Preetho said making them feel her pain.

"Are you assisting him?" Khushi questioned further.

"Ok, dont tell anyone about our conversation" Khushi said before disconnecting call.

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