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"Arnavji, you cant tease me like this. I am your friend" She said annoyed.

"Who said? I dont want be friend of a kid" He said smacking her forehead. They burst into loud laughter again.

"Ok Uncle" KKG said to irritate him. KS coughed with wide eyes.

"What the!!!" Arnav shouted unbelievably.

"If i am a baby then obviously you will be uncle. Arnav Uncle" KKG shrugged off hiding her smile.

"Stop calling me that" He said in a bit serious tone.

"I am not afraid of you Arnav Uncle" She teased. KS is laughing like hyena. No one ever teased arnav like this.

"Fine, you are not a kid" He said annoyed.

"Pakka? You are not being forced to say that right?" KKG questioned with smirk.

"Pakka. You are not kid" He said.

"Ok Arnavji" She said with winning smile.

"Remember this, one day you need to pay for this" He warned before leaving. She showed tongue in reply.

"Thats hilarious" KS smiled.

"How dare he call me kid" KKG said with light anger.

"You are one khushi" Saying KS pinched her nose.

After sometime, raizada's along with Sinha's reached RM. They even bought visibly pale lavanya with them.  

"Arnav" Aravind called him. Khushi's also came down very curiously. Arnav came down and stood beside KKG.

"Next week you and lavanya are going to get married" Aravind stated, trio pasted i-told-you-so look on their face. Arnav just nodded head and went back making everyone utterly shocked. Khushi also turned to go back. 

"Khushi beta" Garima called her. Khushi looked at her casually.

"Come here beta." Garima said extending hands. Khushi went and stood infront of her.

"I know you are uncomfortable but i cant help but to shower my love on you." Garima said caressing her cheek.

"I feel an unknown connection between us" Garima told with tears. Khushi's eyes pooled, she went to her room without uttering a word. KKG followed her and saw her crying.

"What happened khushi?" KS asked keeping hand on her shoulder.

"For the first time ever, i felt motherly touch. Mother's love" She said making KS emotional.

"She is your mother, as much as mine" KS said with broad smile. 

"You are a great soul di. Dont know how lavanya stooped so low to kill you" KKG said gritting her teeth.

"We need to think on how to stop this marriage" KS said not wanting to bear the thought of arnav-lavanya getting married.

"Dont worry di. Arnavji wont marry her." KKG assured her. 

"How can you be so sure?" KS questioned her.

"No matter how much evil tries, it cant defeat good" KKG said which made KS smile whole heartedly.

Next day:- 

Everyone assembled at breakfast table, except kkg and lavanya. Lavanya is still pretending to be weak.

Arnav is eagerly waiting for kkg to come. 

"HP, call Khushi Bitiya" Devayani said with smile.

"Why Devi, She will eat after us. After all she is a servant" Said mohini, which made almost everyone angry.

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